Nostlagia Critic revews TDW
He's right. This wasn't a very good movie. The first Thor was so much better. Hope Ragnorak will be better than TDW, too.
He's right. This wasn't a very good movie. The first Thor was so much better. Hope Ragnorak will be better than TDW, too.
You shouldn't listen to him. He is a basted who feeds off the weak minded.
shareActually, this is an awesome movie. A really nice mix of fantasy and Sci-fi. Epic and cineastic and a fun-ride.
and, well... the 'Nostalgia Critic' is like so many people who call themselves a 'critic'... just becasue someone has a YouTube channel and TALKS about movies does not make him an expert.
I mean, for God's sake: This guy defends the horrible STAR WARS prequels (kind of) - whereas RedLetterMedia have the most accurate critic-videos about these crap-movies.
NightAxe -