worst marvel film
This has got to be the worst of a bad bunch, followed closely behind by the original thor then the avengers.
The main problem is thor himself is such a big dull dud. I think even the writer of this could see that and have loki the line "that witless oaf" in reference to his brother as a cheeky nod to this bland character, played by that plank of wood Chris Hemsworth.
The first thor at least had the sense to make most of the action take place on earth and it played on the fish out of water device.
This film takes place almost entirely on planet green screen with characters which look like cast offs from the Lord of the rings.
The only redeeming feature of this film is Natalie Portman who looks just so incredibly beautiful, even though she is portrayed as a swooning fan girl when around thor. She's supposed to be a level headed scientist but comes over, as all girls do evidently, all giddy in thor's presence.
She is a talented actress so i'm surprised she came back for the sequel. One can only assume she is contracted in a multiple picture deal. I wonder if all those zeros on her paycheck are worth the embarrassment. She must have had flashbacks of Attack of The clones when they had her dressed in the robes at the assgard palace overlooking the lake. That film almost ruined her career so she must've been pretty nervous when they recreated scenes from it here.
The lack of chemistry between the two leads is almost as bad as hers and hayden christiansen's.
I won't even get into the inconsistencies and plot holes in this film. It's a woefully bad film. Let's just hope they faze out this character for phase 3.
for her romantic scene with thor