Seriously, this has got to be one of (if not THE worst) "Horror" film I have ever seen. Nothing happens to even put this is the horror bracket, it's 2 guys talking for an hour and 11 minutes and then 20 minutes of complete senselessness. And the ending, is that supposed to smart or original? It sucked ass bigtime! This aint horror, it's a boring buddy movie with a pointless turn of genre at the end. There's no jumps or scares, no blood or gore, no atmosphere, no music or score, no effects of any kind (bar the silly camera lens at the end) it's the slowest and most painfully booooooring film I've sat through in a long, long time. Yet some of the reviews I've read on here, supposed horror buffs are gushing over it. Seriously, I find it hard to believe that any true fan of horror could find this entertaining. Horror to me has always meant one or a mixture of the following - scares, jumps, atmospheric tension, blood/gore or seat edging suspense, this film has none of that. It's a 70 minute conversation and 20 minutes of running around picking up cd's and films. Awful movie!
I think the biggest problem with you and this film is that you use the term "true fan of horror" like some Immortal fan would use the term "true metal".
By the way, this is amazing. I do hope they wouldn't call it horror, cause that term seems to collapse everything into a bunch of tired old cliches.
Such a shame you wasted 90 minutes of your life watching an attempt to create something that expands beyond the genre limitations - "I'd read a book if I'd want to broaden my horizon" right?
I've been watching Horror movies since I was a kid (over 25 years) and grew up with real horror movies like The Evil Dead, The Deadly Spawn, The Thing, Scanners, The Brood etc, I have pretty much seen everything out there in the horror movie genre, as horror has always been my one true love when it comes to movies.
So if I want to use the term true fan of horror I think I'm more than qualified to do so. Doesn't mean I'm trying to make out that I am special in any way, it just means I love the genre and have religiously tried to watch everything horror based that comes out.
This film that so obviously scared the pants off of you since you call it "Amazing" is something that can not be defined as horror. It's a buddy movie with some odd elements thrown in but Horror it certainly is not and it should be marketed as such.
The term "Horror" cliché ridden as the genre is nowadays should at least contain some elements of either dread/terror/atmosphere/blood/gore/shocks/jumps/scares/etc You tell me ONE single thing from that list that this film has?
It's 2 dudes talking for 70 minutes before anything even remotely interesting takes place and that is no exaggeration, how can this be classed as "Genre defining"?. And the thing that makes it worse are people like you who get massively upset because someone has the audacity to say it's crap. It's a film, I think it's crap, you don't, get over yourself, we all have differing opinions, I personally, expected a hell of a lot more from this film than I was given. It bored me to tears and I don't deserve snotty comments and sarcasm for having an opinion. Jeez!
Now, see, if your first comment had been what you claim here then I don't think I would have even cared.
The one thing that you said that rustled my jimmies really wasn't about you. You didn't say "As a horror fan, I was disappointed in this movie", instead you said
I find it hard to believe that any true fan of horror could find this entertaining
which means you're the annoying dude who actually thinks that the fans of a certain work which does not fit in your narrow definitions are "posers" or "not true" or "pretentious". YOU are the one who makes this a flaw in others while I'm actually pretty sure it's just a flaw in the person himself. And the title:
Did you guys watch the same film as me???
Uh no, actually, we're all just a bunch of idiots who have stumbled to the wrong message board, thanks for guiding us away from THIS horrible little movie. And then I took a look at the comments you've written and it's all the same:
Where on earth are all these 10 star reviews coming from?
Prime example to never take IMDb's ratings seriously
Come on people, how can any human being give this 10 out of 10??
I can't get my head around all the people giving this film 10 stars and claiming it's one of the best horrors ever made.
I stopped reading somewhere around that point. I guess there's even more? Talk about bored to tears, and "get over yourself, we have differing opinions".
And this, quite frankly, was why I believed you deserve snotty comments and sarcasm. I don't even disagree with you completely on the subject of the genre, since one of the movie posters makes this out to be something like Saw. But the fact that you got so venomously angry over this that you bothered to come here and write a message belittling the fans is out of line since technically the movie deals with the horror genre (as a subject, with abstract notions), it has scenes that might creep out some viewers and also an atmosphere that hints at the possibility of dread. If you think something as clever as this ruins the horror genre it makes me sad, cause then cliches are all we are ever going to get. reply share
Well fair enough, some of your points are duly noted and appreciated. I can be a little off the collar sometimes and maybe that is my failing. I don't mean or intend to put everyone into a stereotypical basket. And I don't mean to make people I don't even know (Yourself for EG) feel insulted in any way because you have differing views than me.
But it really does cheese me off when I, as a Horror film fan, read up on a film (Resolution for EG) and see it marketed as, in the same brand and bracket as Sinister, Saw and Cabin in the Woods (films I did enjoy BTW - Not the greatest films in the world but definitely worth watching) Only for me to rush out and spend my money on seeing the film and it turns out to be nothing but cheap, boring and as far away from the movies it is being likened to as possible. Different yes, I'll give it that but absolutely nothing like the films it's being likened to.
I just feel like I've been robbed of my money by fake reviews (Of which I'm starting to notice a lot on here) and people making out that a film is completely the opposite of what it is.
Yes I agree that we all take something different away from films dependant on who we are and our differing perspectives but After shelling out near on £5 to see this (Plus the beer/snacks/pop etc) that goes with a good movie night. I do need to vent off a little steam which I generally do on here.
Renting/buying/going to see a movie nowadays aint cheap, so when you get influenced by 30 people claiming the movie is "a must see", "genre defining", "terrifying" "Everything that cabin in woods should have been" and "I'm gushing because it really is that good" does piss me right off.
Once again, I do apologise if my comments got your back up but it cost me a fair bit of cash to see this and I feel downright robbed by what I read on here and over at Amazon which, did influence my movie choice.
Ok, so I see that you did not like this film. That is ok with me, all movies are not for everyone. But, I am curious, cause I cant seem to find any, and maybe its because you are from the U.K., any advertising for this movie. I heard about it from someone on some message board somewhere, and I must confess, I just typed in the name and downloaded it, so I had no expectations, in fact, I had no idea what it was about.
Do you want my opinion? I really like this movie. this may seem weird, but it kinda reminded me of the basic plot of "the Blair witch project", just because he kept finding things outside the house(like outside the tent in "Blair"). there were the weird towns people giving them weird stories about the area they were in(like the interviews in the beginning of "Blair" with the town people, before they went out tot the woods) strange things happening at night. I could go on, but anyway.
If it was billed like those movies you listed, then somebody really messed up.
But, just for the hell of it, let me paint you a picture:
so you are in a house, in the woods, and you are trying to help out your buddy. now, strange things begin to occur. at first they seem like coincidence, but as time go on, these strange "events" begin to become more sinister in nature, like getting a video tape that has you "filmed". so the whole time, you buddy keeps dismissing these events, which leads to a final argument about what has been going on, in which your buddy no demands that this is all *beep* this seems to piss something off, now, a slide project turns on, and has pictures of you both dead. still the buddy is dismissive. now all the stops are pulled out. a laptop turns on and begins to show real live video, using its webcam. then for the all out, you are now watching your future, where both of you will be beaten to death very soon. now it has your buddies attention, and yours. for some reason, this entity is trying to help you, only if you listen...
you have seen the movie, so you know the rest, they were supposed to leave, but his buddy wasn't strong enough, and ran back for the drugs. this is when the entity/spirit/demon whatever it called finally shows itself. this is where the drawing in the only movie poster that I have seen for this comes from. both of them standing in front of the burning house while something horrific reveals itself.
so if what I just describe doesn't fit into the horror category then I don't know what does.
ya, its mostly about these two guys working out their issues, but there is a great deal more time with spent with Michael picking up clues, talking to people about the horror part of things, exploring the area, with more than a fair share of dread feeling, because you just never know what the heck is going to happen.
For what it's worth, your perspective is in my opinion, spot on! The problem with myself is that I (used to) base and form a certain expectation for a film based on what it is classified as. If I had seen that this was a 'horror' film, I believe I would have been greatly disappointed. However, I did not look at the genre and was pleasantly surprised and liked the movie regardless of reviews. Allow me to give an example of a movie or two that I have seen that I thought were misleading in classification. Comedy: The Way, Way Back. No! It's not a comedy. It's a serious film with funny parts. The trailers all made it look as if it were strictly funny. Another one is Sideways. That was billed as a comedy. Again, same scenario as mentioned previously.
When I watched Sideways, I was extremely disappointed because I expected to get a chuckle out of most of the movie. I watched it again and took a different approach and loved the movie. It was from that point on that I stopped caring about 'billing or classification' of a movie and reader reviews and determine my own opinion. Having said that, I did tell a white lie. I expected Cabin In The Woods to 'horror' me to death and ended up walking out of the theater. I'm not 100% sure if that shouldn't have been billed as a comedy. (I could be wrong...maybe have to watch the second half.)
But, for all intensive purposes, I try to ignore classification.
The higher the expectations, the greater percentage you'll be disappointed. That's my 2¢ worth.
that's funny, since everywhere I have read is that "Cabin" is the ultimate Meta-film and that it is so tongue in cheek that is basically a horror comedy.
Having said that, I watched Cabin on a download having only heard the name of the movie and that it was supposed to be good, which to me "Cabin" is one of the best horror movies I have EVER seen, IMHO.
I didn't think to compare it to Blair Witch project but you are totally right. It was very similar, and in the end you sorta find out it is a Found Footage Film all along.
I agree that if someone felt mislead into thinking this was something it's not, I feel bad for their expectations being ruined. I don't expect much from something this vague in plot description.
Like Some Sci Fi films are more philosophical than science, I think horror can be more absurd than scary.
I appreciated it for what it was and saw it was also like Cabin In The Woods. All films that take place in a Cabin in The woods seem to be like this. Cabin Fever pointed at horror cliches, and so did There Nothing Out There. Though that one is very low budget with terrible acting, special effects, directing... all awful but still amusing, since it almost makes it better since it breaks the 4th wall and pokes at cliches.
This is not a horror film in your eyes, but The Brood is? Are you sure you've seen that movie? For future reference, referring to yourself as a "true" anything, immediately discredits anything else you say. Also, learn that tastes differ, and sometimes, you're going to find yourself in the minority.
"Nothing says "OBEY ME" like a severed head on a fence post."
Exactly. This guy come here and begins to proclaim, to all that will read his post, what a horror movie is and isn't. Then he begins to list movies that are almost all in the same sub genre, which would be considered 'creature features' or 'monster' movies.
Horror is defined as simply anything that would make the viewer feel a sense of dread or fear for the protagonist or even the viewer themselves. If you ask me, almost all of Hitchcock's films could be considered a horror movie, and not just a thriller.
Back to the point, the one thing on his list was atmosphere, or dread. This movie has both of those in spades. I felt a total sense of dread for the main guy. His every move seemed to get him further boxed in.
This guy, IMO, must have began to watch this movie, and then just stopped paying attention when it was obvious that there wasn't a monster jumping out of the bushes.
lolWUT? There's no reason to even read your comments past this. You wanna talk about a horror movie with nothing scary in it? You just named the king of them. Unless you think the worst claymation "special effects" ever committed to film, slapstick comedy, and intentionally bad writing are scary. Sam Raimi didn't make a single even remotely good movie until nearly 10 years after Evil Dead, and didn't make an even remotely passable horror movie until nearly 30 years after. If it wasn't for "Drag Me To Hell", which was at least kind of entertaining and watchable, the guy wouldn't have a single "real horror movie" to his directing credit at all. And even that had the stupid goat puppet.
And John Carpenter? "The Thing" remake as an ok second-rate, pop/action-type movie with a sci fi/horror theme. It was the kind of thing you'd bring a date to, not the kind of thing you'd watch late at night if you wanted to get the creeps. You're on the right track with the Cronenberg films, but what made his movies great were the subtleties and nuance, not the dumb special effects and misplaced action sequences. You went in the wrong direction from him.
I didn't think resolution was great, but it was very, very good and I'm sure I'll watch it again. But it relies entirely on subtlety and nuance, which it sounds like aren't really your thing. If it only had some claymation and goofy bad special effects...
Which is ok, everybody is entitled to their own opinion, so long as everybody understands that, factually, yours is wrong.
"Such a shame you wasted 90 minutes of your life watching an attempt to create something that expands beyond the genre limitations - "I'd read a book if I'd want to broaden my horizon" right?"
they keyword here is "trying". nice basic idea, but the ending pretty much kills it. and yes, i have read the multiple theories about the ending and even though they make sense, they are all pretty lame conclusions to 80 minutes of build up, which actually makes the overall experience even worse.
in the end, the attempt failed. if you want something that at least goes a bit outside the genre's "limitations" as you put it, southbound was much more successful at that. nevertheless, those "limitations" only exist in some viewer's minds anyhow.
is meta-horror part of that limitation or an own genre or is it even expanding? is a shocking drama like "tag" horror or is it not? see what i mean?
Lots of dialog, but it was clever, funny, and very ominous. And it's interesting (telling!) that the film's title is, 'Resolution', yet nothing was actually resolved. It's left up to you to decide what was really happened. The filmmakers make the viewer bring something to the experience, and they don't lay it all out for you. Maybe that's your problem with it.
"Free to those that can afford it, very expensive to those that can't."
I think Cayman made a great point in that it probably depends on your expectations and frame of mind going into a film like this. On *my* cable description, it was billed as a "post-modern horror" film right in the description. Once I saw the first five minutes and the style/look of the film and the caliber of the acting, I had a good idea of what I was in for with this movie.
Personally, I thought it did a good job at setting a creepy, uneasy atmosphere and all the unique and quirky characters (religious dudes, the French guy, violent Native Americans) gave it an almost surreal feeling, which made sense at the end and after reading some interpretations on this board. I really enjoyed the film for what it is and certainly wouldn't try to compare it to something like "Insidious" or "Sinister" or something like that. I really love science fiction and there are so many accepted sub-genres and branches. I don't see why that can't be the same for the horror genre as well.
I agree with the OP. This movie is just pure crap and a painful watch. All I have ever loved is horror, renting at least two every week at my local mom and pops video store in the 80's, so yeah, I'm a "true" horror fan and this ain't horror. It's doo doo.