Are you serious? This film was the biggest pile of sh!te I've ever seen!! & in comparison to The Cabin In The Woods!? Pfft! You must be *beep* with me right!? The film actually for one got going & lead somewhere & had action it it! While this film made trying to get a bonfire going in a whirlwind blizzard seem more fun! In fact, it was exactly how I felt the film was just when you thought it was getting somewhere it dissolved. Then getting somewhere, then dissolved! It was a continuous pattern throughout! It was stupidly long considering it's content (which was a yawn fest) & had 0 horror in it! It was boring, slow & completely uninteresting! The reviews on here are fake! VERY fake! Don't get me started with RT. The only real ones are the low rated, which describe this pile of trash down to a T. The Cabin In The Woods was WAY better than this!