did Chester have money or was it all a lie? If he did have the money, where did it end up?

"All wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi. And she won't give it to me!"


He spent like a sailor on leave and then shelled out a bunch to Rydal and the passport guy so when he says later all he has left is ten grand I believed him. From that he buys plane tickets and then hides in Istanbul so I imagine even less by the film's climax, and then it's confiscated and through proper channels, partial restitution attempted.


He probably has more money hidden all over the world. He just ran out of the money that was with him. He was clearly starting out the movie with the intention of travelling indefinitely, with no sign of frugality anywhere.

Keep in mind that in 1962, the $15-20k he had was like ten times that in today's money. He could have gone one for years with just what he carried, had he not run into trouble.


I agree with the professor, and the implication that Chester was not about to run completely out of money is clear. It is likely someone like him would have money stashed here and there, and also the point about inflation is significant.


We get a glimpse of Chester's stash early in the film and it appeared to be considerable (especially for 1962). We realize why he was so attached to his briefcase most of the film. http://imgur.com/QRZjYgD

He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator.
