Kirsten Dunst as Viggo's Wife?
Is she supposed to be his wife in this? I thought she would be his daughter considering their huge age difference...
shareIs she supposed to be his wife in this? I thought she would be his daughter considering their huge age difference...
shareI'm sure he can get younger and better looking in real life if he wanted to. He probably could even if he wasn't famous.
shareOh I agree. I'm Dunst's age and I would totally hook up with Viggo without a second thought. He's gorgeous. I guess I worded my question poorly - It's not that I can't see them together, it's just that I got more of a father-daughter vibe from the trailer as opposed to a lovers vibe. I was confused, esp. since they threw in other young man.
shareI think we'd be a little concerned if you wanted to hook up with this Viggo Mortensen!
"I apologise for my appearance, but I have had a difficult time these past several years."
Is he that bad of a character in this movie? LOL. I still haven't seen it yet. Viggo's villain-playing potential goes greatly underappreciated IMHO--he was brilliant in Eastern Promises.
shareLOL! Well he ain't no sodding Aragorn!
Truth be told, part of the appeal of this film is how impossibly beautiful all three leads look. I was shamelessly drooling all over Dunst in that stunning vintage Hollywood starlet attire, the romantic competition is disgustingly handsome (seriously, big dark eyes and wavy hair - he looks like he's just walked straight out a D&G advert) and even Viggo waking up still in a drunken stupor with a fag hanging out his mouth... but he's still Viggo Mortensen. And of course, all against the backdrop of sexual tension under that mythical Mediterranean landscape. Nice little film.
As for Eastern Promises, I couldn't agree more. Caught it late one night on BBC iPlayer and liked it far more than A History of Violence. Awesome drama. Mortensen does not get enough credit for the risks he takes. That bathhouse scene - Jesus!!
"I apologise for my appearance, but I have had a difficult time these past several years."
This Viggo, that Viggo, the other one over there--no matter; he'll always be the Blouse Man to me. And, yes, he was excellent in EASTERN PROMISES.
Multiplex: 100+ shows a day, NONE worth watching. John Sayles' latest: NO distribution. SAD.
Me too! And he's an artist, intelligent and loves animals. What else do we need to know? Wonder if he can cook, too? Sigh...
shareBlouse man! Oh yeah!!
Is there an age differance between them ? What i mean is Kirsten may be playing a woman in her early 40's who happens to look 10 years younger, and Viggo may be the same age, but looks 10 years older. The book may have been written for the couple to look like they do.It happens.
A Oscar for Kirsten, i feel it should happen soon, i love you Kiki
I think I might even "hook up with" Viggo. And I'm a straight guy.
shareAgreed. Read the trivia in any movie he's in and you'll see he's amazing for more than just acting. One thing that they seem to forget to include is this little bit:
"When The Most Interesting Man in the World met Viggo Mortensen, he cried out, 'I haven't felt this inferior to another human being since the time I met Chuck Norris.'"
That came from an almanac or maybe The Necronomicon. I don't know. I'm terrible at citing my sources.
Terrible Quality YouTube Videos Here:
or, as my Spanish speaking friends would say,
I didn't even know who he was until I read a feature on him in Sofilm! I thought, hey, that is that crazy but methodical badass from Eastern Promises! The dude sounds like a guy I'd get along with: eccentric as all *beep*, a poet, artist, musician.... the guy is amazing. That one article has made me hunt down all his films, apart from the LOTR crap. Though how he annoyed Elijah Wood during filming was pretty funny. The guy sounds like an absolute riot!
Some may never live, but the crazy never die.
VM does march to a different drummer. He has been recognized for some years as one of the most brilliant and subtle actors working. He was a character actor long before LOTR, and he seems to be happy to be doing that again, or making small films and films in other languages (he speaks several). His latest three are in Argentinian Spanish, Danish-acented Spanish (quite different) and Algerian French, besides this one in English.
He's also a fine poet, recognized (for poets, that means published ) long before he was known as an actor.
My favorites of his so far are A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, ALATRISTE (in Spanish), and EASTERN PROMISES. I have seen this film, and he's terrific in it, but I want to see it again before I decide how much I like the film itself. It usually takes me twice to see what I most like about films. Oddly enough, it only takes me once to see if I hate it...
Whatever. My husband, who has done some amateur acting, says VM is always fascinating to watch. He has no star persona, and every character is deeply different, right down to facial expressions and body language. He is a minimalist -- contrast him to Daniel Day-Lewis -- and you need to watch him closely to see what he is doing. Several of his directors have commented on that over the years; they didn't see what he was doing until the first few dailies, and then they would give him a lot more to do.
Ed Harris shot an entire film mostly off VM's face. One of the rare cases in which the main character is not the focus of a film's attention. APPALOOSA.
I just rewatched Charade recently. There was a similar age gap in that movie, one that made Cary Grant extremely uncomfortable from what I've read. The age gap between Audrey Hepburn and her costar was even worse in Sabrina, though whether it bothered Bogie, I can't say.
shareThe age difference isn't the issue. Many older men marry younger women, actually most do. It's that Viggo marrying someone like Kirsten Dunst is not very believable in my opinion, she seems like a step down for him. She just seems wrong in this movie, I think they should have went with a lesser known actress. I seriously can't take her as Viggo's wife, even though it's acting. That's just me.
"We're going to see the elves!"
I thought it worked well. It was an innocent love at first, that became complicated by his serious crimes, which withered the relationship down.
shareboth dunst & viggo were great in this. oscar isaac was a touch overwhelmed, but that said, it was a tough role.
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