MovieChat Forums > Rules Don't Apply (2016) Discussion > 77-year-old Beatty plays 53-year-old Hug...

77-year-old Beatty plays 53-year-old Hughes

Hughes was born in 1905; movie is set in 1958. Beatty was born in 1937; movie was filmed in 2014.
I don't really have a point. I just thought I'd point this out.


Yeah, although Hughes never got butt lifts so it might make all the difference?

"It's the system, Lara. People will be different after the Revolution."



Not to a 25 year old female. Heck even to a 40 year old female he looks like a geezer.


And how old are you jr130? You do realize everyone gets old, of course there is the alternative....death.

Beatty in his prime was better looking than anything out there today, and he can act.


Beatty looks pretty good for 77. Hughes (apparently) looked pretty terrible at 53. It evens out.

Martin Scorsese IS the best


He's 79. 77 while filming, but nearly 80 years old now.


I agree. Beaty looks really good for 77 in this movie.
