MovieChat Forums > Rules Don't Apply (2016) Discussion > I'm surprised this got a PG-13.

I'm surprised this got a PG-13.

They used the F-word in a sexual manner (which almost always guarantees an R rating), & they showed an ejaculate stain. I'm definitely shocked that this didn't get an R rating, especially with today's rating standards, where a film like Don't Think Twice gets an R rating for using the F-word 9 times & showing a couple brief uses of marijuana use, while Suicide Squad gets a PG-13 despite showing copious amounts of violence.


I'm not surprised that I don't care. I'm an adult. I don't worry about ratings anymore.

Television is a vice; film is an addiction.


Suicide Squad at PG13 was a head-scratcher, for sure. I thought for sure it would've been R-rated. I did hear they cut a whole lot, though, so maybe the brutal stuff ended up on the cutting room floor. Makes sense, since they try to appeal to teen comic fans...

I'm honestly not surprised that this movie gets a PG13 though. Other than the one F-bomb, and some fairly tame sexual implications it wasn't horribly sexual or suggestive. Even if it had gotten an R, it would've easily been a soft R.
