Beatty does exactly as he wants (spoilers)
Rules Don't Apply has taken a lot of hits as a bore, pretentious etc. However you think of it, the movie is just what Warren Beatty wanted. For whatever reasons he has had sufficient Hollywood clout to get his films made, despite their poor box office. He has made his share of good bad and indifferent films like most actors who have been around long enough.
If Beatty made no other film after he made Bonnie & Clyde, he would be in the cinematic pantheon, because B&C completely changed what audiences could expect from the movies. (As did The Graduate, I might add.) B&C is about fifty years old and as fresh today as when it debuted.
Bugsy, Bulworth, Heaven Can Wait, Reds, Shampoo, were all Warren Beatty films and they were exactly what he wanted to do. Heaven Can Wait and Shampoo made a lot of money and the rest were financial bombs and make of it what you will that Beatty can still get a film green lighted.