A public service post
What a bore this movie is.
It's a vacuous movie about the vacuous L.A. modeling industry so it's all very meta, doncha know.
It gets interesting for the last 15 minutes when it lurches into horror. To save you time, I'll sum up the first 105 minutes of the movie for you so you can fast forward to the only good part.
i. Elle Fanning is the naive -- and excruciatingly dull -- waif who arrives in LA hoping to kick start a modeling career.
ii. In a surprising-to-no-one twist she catches the attention of prominent agents, douchbag-y photographers and designers within a day or three it seems.
iii. She also catches the attention of two jealous past-their-prime skeletal models, and a lesbian makeup artist. Much dragged out conversation and many mean pouty looks ensue.
iv. Somewhere in there Keanu Reeves lurches in for a few scenes from some other movie. He's a douchebag landlord.
v. Lots and lots of synthmusic, primary coloured visuals, and 'that's-so-LA' stuff happens, none of it adding much to the tale.
You're welcome.