MovieChat Forums > The Neon Demon (2016) Discussion > I think people missed the message of the...

I think people missed the message of the film..

I don't think the message was about ''vanity'' and the industry consuming a persons youth and soul. Though I really thought that on the first watch. I also bought into the ''their witches'' theory.

I think it's about more how awful women can be to a person they consider to be a threat because of ''outstanding'' beauty. And the effort they will commit to destroy them. Looking into things a bit more in the actual modelling industry, though there is the usual ills of Anorexia, drugs and the pervs most models careers are actually destroyed by other women bullying them out of the job. You would be surprised how much adult bullying and backstabbing goes on in the modelling industry. You would ''figure'' maybe some does but it's more intense than some think. It's a shame how women act.


I imagine the modeling industry is very cut-throat because the potential reward is substantial--money, fame, and attention--with the latter being the most important in today's world.

Human nature can certainly be crass.


You would be surprised how much adult bullying and backstabbing goes on in the modelling industry.

I don’t think it’s a surprise to anyone.

Women hate each other.
