I felt kind of sorry for Sandra.
I meant she didn't want to harm Rebecca.
She only wanted to make things right and she was much under pressure.
The police man tricked her and so I see Sandra also as an victim.
What do u think?
This reminds me of the ‘just obeying orders’ trials that they had for Nazi Soldiers where they claimed not to be at fault because they were just doing what their superiors told them to do.
Then to a lesser extent the classic Milgram experiment(s) on obedience to authority figures where Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment, in which they had to administer electric shocks to a "learner". These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real. The experiment found, that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey the instructions even though they knew that it was harming someone drastically.
The lesson we need to pay attention to is that you NEVER do something that you know is wrong despite being told by someone above you in any way says.
Sandra had to know that what she was doing was wrong but she did what most people do, she obeyed authority. She does bear some responsibility but you are right in a sense because she was manipulated.
Just like everything in life, there are varying degrees of criminality and culpability. She is at fault but not to the degree that the other participants are. I don’t feel sorry for her however, she should have put a stop to it.
I understand your point of view.
Most people don't feel responsible for their actions and it is always easy to find any excuses.
But you can tell Sandra wasn't enjoying anything of what happened.
When Becky had to take off her clothes, Sandra looked like she was about to cry.
For me, the most awful thing that was done to Becky was made by this stupid fiancee of Sandra.
He smacked her butt and forced her to do oral sex.
Sandra had nothing to do with that.