never trust cops...

thats how my parents raised me. My mother alwys told me when dealing with cops be polite but dont' trust a word they say. granted i've been giving a lot of breaks by cops but all u need is one bad cop to really *beep* your *beep* up. and this movie proves it. never blindly trust cops.

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now


all u need is one bad cop to really *beep* your *beep* up. and this movie proves it.

LOL. This movie does nothing to "prove" that, because the caller was not actually a cop.

It does support your last sentence, "never blindly trust cops". Or to be more precise, someone who claims to be a cop.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


The creepy thing is that we trust authority to do things that we know are wrong. All of them question the caller, but many end up doing what they know shouldn't be done. That might be because we see that authority is sometimes abusive. That's the f-ed up thing. The 'pranker' (plain psychpath) uses people and push them as far as he can. You just need someone understanding that that's an abuse to stop the situation.
Does it serve as an excuse? Well... I don't think so.
