I saw the film last night, and I don't understand why:
- they didn't ask for the officer's full name - they didn't ask for his badge # - they didn't ask what department he's working out of - they didn't ask who his superior is so that they can call and verify this story
-he said he was Officer Daniels. why would you ask an officer for his first name??? he is an authority figure to them. you wouldnt for example ask Judge Johnson, what his first name is. even if they got the first name, it would not have made a difference during that whole situation. even afterwords it wouldnt help, because the guy was lying about his identity.
-why would they ask for the badge number if they were were so sure the guy was legit. that would require them to then go to the police department's website and enter in the number. if they are going to go to that degree of effort, they may as well have just called the police department on someone's cellphone and ask for confirmation that way.
-would one really bother to ask which department/precinct he is from? the guy could say he is from the New York police department and has been put on the case because of so and so. he could have said just about any valid story and it would have worked, because he sounded like he was a very serious and knowledgable police officer.
-again, to go to that effort would have been if the manager had questioned his validity. the whole point of the problem is that she did trust the guy on the phone. she had every reason to believe the guy was actually a police officer. which is understandable that if you were talking to someone with an authoritative voice as he did. you would believe him more than you believe the teenage girl who could easily be a suspect in taking money from a customer.
Any sane person who believed a cop would actually try to arrest someone over the phone would have asked where he was calling from, then called the station and asked for him. Then they'd immediately find out he wasn't a real cop.
she had no reason to believe he was just pranking her.
no not every person would think to check out the "cop's" story. the guy was every bit as serious that you wouldnt automatically assume or even suggest that the guy was just making things up. had he sounded drunk or had a certain tone of voice then yea. but he didnt. he was very straightforward and sounded like a cop.
maybe someone who was friends with a police officer would have an idea of what the proper procedure is. only then would they know that what the guy on the phone is asking is way off base. this lady obviously didnt. none of these people even knew the station was just down the road. the employees that mention the matter , all want to be left out of it. from that you can tell that they have never been in a situation that involved police.
on top of that the manager actually feels a sense of duty in going with what this "officer" is telling her. you can tell she likes the idea of feeling like she is being a good citizen and respecting the law.
It's not just about being "sane" or not, or about just being gullible. Why do you think they included that scene at the beginning where we learn that a bunch of food spoiled because someone left the freezer door open, and we see the delivery guy giving her a hard time? He asks if she is going to call her regional manager and she says no. The whole point is to establish that she is afraid of looking bad to her superior. Then when she initially doubts the caller, he trots out the story about her superior being on the other line. She doesn't want to take the chance that if this is for real, here is one more thing that will have her looking stupid in front of her boss. The caller was a master manipulator and he is good at finding the right buttons to push.
You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi
Yes, but that doesn't account for the many others that he called that didn't get taken in. Plus this happened over a number of years in different states. What I don't get is how most miss the fact that old macds didn't warn managers about this since they had to obviously know about it.
If you're going to throw out "70 cases like this", we need to clarify there weren't 70 cases where a caller got a manager to strip-search an employee and then make her perform oral sex on someone. That caller managed to fool someone to some extent in 70 cases, but things never went nearly as far as they did in this case. That's why the movie was made about THIS incident.
You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi
"This film proves stupid and gullible human beings really are."
But I have to add, I did find it strange that with all the time spent on the phone and how severe "Daniels" made it all seem, no officers were dispatched to the restaurant to wrap things up.
'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'
He "Officer Daniels" took control of the situation from the start he was more dominant, simply you take charge of a conversation from the outset you have the upper hand. This is how sales people operate, they convince you to their will.
Because Sandra didnt care about all this, she just wanted Becky to get punished and abused because she was *beep* jelaous of her and her young beauty, that is why she just went along with the whole charade without asking questions.
I disagree with that statement, I never felt like Sandra was jealous of Becky, she was just clueless. maybe at first I can see her believing the officer, but when he started asking her to take her clothes off, that is when the red flag would have gone up, really ? what police calls and asks you to strip search someone?? I would have said absolutely not, you come and do it!
you seem to miss the part where the officer appointed them as 'unofficial cops' on the scene. and as such they do perform strip searches [squat and cough]
Yes she was jealous, watch the movie again pls, its right there when she is talkin with the assistant manager at the front desk, and the boss comes by and hear about it and try to lie that her old boyfriend does the same things to her...look for her body language and expressions and u will notice that she only did that because of jealousy, and i think that jealousy was still in her back head when the prank caller called...
What I thought was very odd is that the cop told the manager he had her regional manager on the other line (Robbie) yet she never asked if she could speak to him or, at least, have a 3-way call with him and the cop.