A manager who doesn't document?
In a major corporation?
Incident and Accident reports are a fact of life. They're written while the blood is still flowing.
Police on the phone?
That's a walk over to the desk while on the phone and filling out the form while listening.
Managed for a wonderful chain (no longer around.)
All our forms were numbered, right?
On a busy night like this one, invariably one or all could happen:
Bartender would break glasses in the ice. (Breakage form, possible order form depending on glassware. *Hope bartender not bleeding; yep, accident report.)
Line cooks would get a nasty burn while moving fast.(Accident report, OSHA stuff)
Drunk unruly patron would fall down the stairs/need to be cut off/ejected from the building. (Accident, incident, call police report.)
A fight would break out in the bar and chairs would go flying (property damage report, incident report, accident report, possible write up on bartender if over serving occurred.)
It got so when something happened one would think "Okay, I need a #C-83. Oh, he's hurt. Better grab an #84. Whoa, there goes the chair! $%&*, that's a #97 and a #102. I'm gonna be here all night!"
Server ill-groomed, drinking on job, etc., Possible allegedtheft? Verbal statements that become a...WRITE-UP!!! WITNESSED!
Even, specially if it's busy and one could forget, even if the form is blank, got to be pulled when it happens.
Always two people with an employee in any questionable situation.
How long was this woman a manager? For a McDonalds no less? They live and die by the form, I would imagine.
Anyone else wonder this?
This movie really got under my skin, so many ways. Going to go think of something, anything else now!