MovieChat Forums > Compliance (2012) Discussion > Calling the police 'sir'

Calling the police 'sir'

Several times the caller brought the listeners into live by making them call him "sir", thus forcing them to acknowledge is position of power.

Would a US police officer ever expect a person to call them sir? In films I've heard people call officers 'sir', does this happen in real life.

I live in the UK, and nobody calls the police 'sir' and if the officer asked someone to call them 'sir' I think the public would rebel!


Not typically. But he was trying to assert himself. To make sure he kept them compliant. He was doing it to more or less get off, for a high. He enjoyed messing with them, and enjoyed the power it gave him.


No. The police never mention calling them "sir." The caller did it just to keep his position of dominance over the hoax victims.


In poor urban US neighborhoods it is not uncommon for an officer to demand to be called sir.


In poor urban US neighborhoods it is not uncommon for an officer to demand to be called sir.

That's BS. Show me ONE YouTube video of an officer doing that.


No YouTube video needed. I've witnessed it with my own eyes and ears.






I don't know what's going on with the rest of the responses you got - but almost all of us, if we get pulled over for a traffic stop, are going to call the cop, sir, hoping that he won't write a ticket.

I suppose that if you're such a rebel, and don't care about getting a ticket, or if you've got such a problem with authority figures, then you won't. But most of us, yeah, we're going to give it a shot.


The question isn't whether it would be a good idea to call a (male) cop "sir." The guy in the film was demanding it in harsh terms, and that's out of line.


Yeah, sure. But then I'm hoping that most of us aren't as stupid as some of the people here are.


Would a US police officer ever expect a person to call them sir?

I would say definitely yes. If you think you are in trouble with a cop, it's always better to act humble and say as little as possible. Personally, I always address a cop as officer.


The correct way to address police officer in US is "officer" or "police officer" if you don't know the rank. You don't have to call them Sir. In Fact they need to call you Sir or Ma'am.

Blue-collar workers are more afraid of the law so they go over board in trying to be compliant (which is why they tend to be easy victims). Those who can afford good lawyers or have personal lawyers on speed dial treat police more like servants. If a police officer ever threatens them in any way s/he will be in big trouble.

~Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes~
