The lady who got strip searched was weak, but not stupid. I'm fed-up with the victim blaming, people are having no empathy at all. I wasn't in her position, but if a young girl in a small rural area where everyone knows each other is doing overtime at McDonalds, she is in a vulnerable position. The million times cursed bastard who did the calls used to call fast-food restaurants in rural areas PRECISELY to target vulnerable people.
The girl needed the job, so she obeys the manager. Once she is naked, she cannot go out, because in a rural area where everyone knows each other (and possibly goes to church on Sundays) she doesn't want to do that. She is ashamed (though she has no reason to be).
Once the fiance enters and threatens and makes her do weird stuff and finishes beating her, she's so scared that she goes into terrified mode and just wants to get out. She gets "tunnel vision" syndrome where she only sees one way out and every other possible solution disappears from sight.
There are three answers to fear: freeze, fight or flight. In males, fight or flight is more common. In females, freeze (and therefore compliance) is more common (from an evolutive point of view, females who froze got raped but survived: male who froze were killed). An 18 year old with money troubles who needs the job and lives in a small town was the perfect victim. And the sociopathic caller had the luck to find a guy who wanted to do the abuse with the excuse that someone else was giving the orders. At least that one got 5 years in jail.
I wish the manager had got at least one.
The adults failed. The girl was weak, but she was in the vulnerable position. The *beep* adults should have done better.
I like to think I wouldn't have done such a thing in her situation. But then again, I am NOT in her situation. My mom has a job and makes decent money. We have national healthcare. I don't need my job badly, if I lose it it's bad, but it's not the end of the world.
Fear can do terrible things to the human mind. But that doesn't mean the victims are stupid: it means fear kills the mind. It's completely different.
I wish you didn't call the victim stupid: when we think "this couldn't happen to me", we fail to protect other vulnerable victims.