If you don't think this type of stuff happens...
You have not seen the state of affairs of the United States education system and unqualified workers getting minimum wage. Yeah, it's sad to say, there are people this dumb. In fact, the man who did this had done it sixty times before and when he was finally caught, he was actually aqquited based on evidence that wasn't even circumstantial.
I don't think that this is the greatest movie to tell you the truth either. It's okay in all aspects. The casting is okay, the script is okay, the acting is just okay. The best part is actually the very believable setting of the fast food joint and the way it looked and operated.
It is a sad thing that this has actually happened in various ways for years. There are people out there that thrive on others misery. And there are others that are not even that stupid. They are just subservient. They are sheep. Obviously they weren't geniuses. I doubt there are too many working at fast food restaurants in the first place for long enough to become manager. I've personally known some of these managers that were so ignorant, for lack of a better word, to all kinds of things. And why wouldn't they be? They didn't graduate high school, don't read the paper or watch the news, have a fairly mundane routine that most of them probably don't like and don't even know why.
Then there is the sense of authority that these people that do not know any better about the law or anything pertaining to it don't even know to ask for some of the things that I've seen other posters and user reviews have said they should have. These people are called by the police, and in their mind they don't question it any further. Is this really a cop? Should I ask for his number and call him back to make sure? Should I call the owner or an attorney? They are intimidated by this "police officer" and as many said become the sheeps that they are and follow commands like robots. When the cop is constantly telling you troubling things and you don't really even know your or your employees rights then you are even more subservient towards him.
Most people will blindly follow the commands of law enforcement without thinking about it if they are supposedly wronged or don't have anything to hide. And with the "officer" being on the phone the whole time using the Milgram Experiment to satisfy his sick predilections, the manager probably doesn't even have time to think about the afformentioned questions that you and I would think to ask ourselves.
And then you have an uneducated young employee that also doesn't know her rights. She might think that with the "police" on the phone telling the manager what to do makes him a sort of "deputized civilian" until the police get there. She would probably think her best bet is to comply fully with her boss and the police. So she wouldn't think to ask for an attorney or even know to ask for one or ask what probable cause there is for such an invasive search.
I do not necessarily believe that these girls were actually raped but more strip searched and poked and prodded which is absolutely abhorrent. I feel so bad for what these poor girls that didn't know any better went through. But at the same time keeping yourself educated is not hard to do nowadays. Information is on every single one of the smart phones they carry around. It's sad. It's becoming a nation of doped up sheep that just follow the status quo and abide by such rules and ideas without even asking themselves why. It is troubling to say the least. That guy definitely deserved to do time in prison.
Better yourself. Think. Question. "If you really want to live. Why not try and make yourself?"