It is outrageous! At first I thought no one could be that stupid! However some of the customers I've dealt with (I work in a quite rough, strange town) are so ludicrously stupid that I absolutely believe that number of people fell for this. I find myself wondering how do they even get through life?!
Yet somehow they do and they breed more stupidity.
There was a case recently (uk) where a woman pretended to be a man to have sex with another woman. She did this by telling her to wear a blindfold every time they met and used a prosthetic penis. This woman was jailed. The victim went to meet this stranger from the internet over 10 times, blindfolded, for sex. No questions asked. Eventually she removed the blindfold and the story came out.
This is the 2nd story I've heard of this nature. When I read about them I just thought this is INSANE!
People are that stupid and they walk among us everyday!
frosties are just cornflakes for people that can't face reality