This is not a movie

It's interesting and appalling that something like this happened. There were some good performances, especially the manager (the very end, when she is awkwardly making small talk with the interviewer, was really well done). There were some cinematic shots at the beginning and a couple other points.

But the only way you could really consider this a narrative feature film in any sense is if you look at it like "outsider art". I haven't studied film in college or anything, so I'm not sure how to describe what I mean, but IMO just laying out "this happened, and then this, and finally this" is not a movie.


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I disagree that it's not a movie, it is, but I'd say that it's a movie that you shouldn't watch.

I had to turn it off very early.. that's the 2nd or 3rd time in my whole life that I didn't watch a movie to the end. It just felt stupid and waste of time to watch it.

Just because a movie is based on a real story doesn't make it automatically a good "movie".

I would be very interested to watch a documentary about this case.. but not a movie with actors playing out the events. It's a different case to watch incredibly stupid people on documentaries, than watching incredibly stupid characters played by actors, even if the events would be from real life. It's kind of hard to explain this..

But this case makes me very sad, human race..

And if I have understood correctly, the culprit and everybody else did not get punished of what they did. A testament of how stupid the legal system in USA is.


^Yes, this. It was too annoying to watch, but a documentary would have been fine for some reason. I made it through the film, but I took a couple of breaks and came back to it. That probably saved me from getting too frustrated. This level of stupidity pisses me off in films, because they're supposed to convince you it's plausible. Even though this is true; it's implausible, and it really showed here. A documentary is a different setting, with a different kind of trust between the viewer and producer.
