Fed up with the victim blaming. Weak doesn't mean stupid.
OK, many people are talking here about the "everyone is so stupid" and "it wouldn't happen to me".
As for the manager and specially the manager's bastard fiancé, I agree that with a bit of compassion and empathy, none of this would have happened.
As for the victim, people who insult her are being extremely ignorant.
The victim was just turned 18 years old, her mother was sick and unemployed. So she needed the job badly and was doing overtime.
The bastard caller willingly targeted fast-food restaurants in rural areas. Where people are more naive, more undereducated, the sheriff is a huger authority, AND if you lose your job or get a reputation as a thief, it can haunt you for the rest of your life.
There is a psychological condition called "learned helplessness", which makes people unable to defend themselves. Poverty or fear for not having your physical needs met, directly throws you into learned helplessness.
It is VERY easy to intimidate a young and vulnerable person, specially if she fears for her job and she needs the job badly to make ends meet. At the beginning, the manager threatens her, so she begins to be scared. After three hours of ordeal, she complies with sexual abuse.
But actually, this happens, and can happen to anyone provided the victims is young enough, vulnerable enough, or has been beaten enough.
So please, do not blame the victim. I know what you think: "It wouldn't happen to me". Well, maybe it wouldn't if you have enough money for lawyers, and an enough good education, and you don't fear for your job or your family's medical bills, if you live in a big enough city so that if you lose your job or are unfairly called a thief you can find another one. But maybe, just maybe, you should try to use a bit of empathy and think that in absolutely dire circumstances, you might be coerced or intimidated into either aggression or submission. It's very easy to bully a child, even by another child who has NO authority power. Some children are bullied into committing suicide, why is it so difficult to understand how a young vulnerable girl, once naked, scared, threatened and finally beaten, can be intimidated and then terrified into enduring the unendurable?
This girl had extreme bad luck. She was vulnerable, the manager was power-hungry, and the manager's fiance abused the little power he had. He knew it was wrong, but went on with it.
Please STOP calling the victim stupid. Facing intimidation when you are filled with physical terror is NOT stupidity. Fear makes you lose your mind and center on survival mode, it gives people a "tunnel" mentality where they can see only one light at the end and nothing else. Other possibilities are not seen at this point. Poverty or fear of poverty also gives you "tunnel" sight, so if she badly needed the money (and doing overtime at McDonalds sounds like it does), she was an easy victim.
Please, let's consider that some people are weak-minded, but poverty, youth, naiveté, undereducation and two hours of intimidation and torture, make people even weaker. Let's have a little bit of empathy for the victims, even if we are sooo sure that we would be stronger in such a case.
The adults I wouldn't forgive.
The good news is the abuser got 5 years, the girl got damages... And the bad news is that the caller got away scot-free AND he was working at a company that manages private prisons. I shudder to imagine what this undescribable bastard of a human being does in his job every day...
This should be studied at school, with the Milgram experiment, the Stanford Prison experiment, and classes against intimidation.