MovieChat Forums > Compliance (2012) Discussion > Fed up with the victim blaming. Weak doe...

Fed up with the victim blaming. Weak doesn't mean stupid.

OK, many people are talking here about the "everyone is so stupid" and "it wouldn't happen to me".

As for the manager and specially the manager's bastard fiancé, I agree that with a bit of compassion and empathy, none of this would have happened.

As for the victim, people who insult her are being extremely ignorant.

The victim was just turned 18 years old, her mother was sick and unemployed. So she needed the job badly and was doing overtime.

The bastard caller willingly targeted fast-food restaurants in rural areas. Where people are more naive, more undereducated, the sheriff is a huger authority, AND if you lose your job or get a reputation as a thief, it can haunt you for the rest of your life.

There is a psychological condition called "learned helplessness", which makes people unable to defend themselves. Poverty or fear for not having your physical needs met, directly throws you into learned helplessness.

It is VERY easy to intimidate a young and vulnerable person, specially if she fears for her job and she needs the job badly to make ends meet. At the beginning, the manager threatens her, so she begins to be scared. After three hours of ordeal, she complies with sexual abuse.

But actually, this happens, and can happen to anyone provided the victims is young enough, vulnerable enough, or has been beaten enough.

So please, do not blame the victim. I know what you think: "It wouldn't happen to me". Well, maybe it wouldn't if you have enough money for lawyers, and an enough good education, and you don't fear for your job or your family's medical bills, if you live in a big enough city so that if you lose your job or are unfairly called a thief you can find another one. But maybe, just maybe, you should try to use a bit of empathy and think that in absolutely dire circumstances, you might be coerced or intimidated into either aggression or submission. It's very easy to bully a child, even by another child who has NO authority power. Some children are bullied into committing suicide, why is it so difficult to understand how a young vulnerable girl, once naked, scared, threatened and finally beaten, can be intimidated and then terrified into enduring the unendurable?

This girl had extreme bad luck. She was vulnerable, the manager was power-hungry, and the manager's fiance abused the little power he had. He knew it was wrong, but went on with it.

Please STOP calling the victim stupid. Facing intimidation when you are filled with physical terror is NOT stupidity. Fear makes you lose your mind and center on survival mode, it gives people a "tunnel" mentality where they can see only one light at the end and nothing else. Other possibilities are not seen at this point. Poverty or fear of poverty also gives you "tunnel" sight, so if she badly needed the money (and doing overtime at McDonalds sounds like it does), she was an easy victim.

Please, let's consider that some people are weak-minded, but poverty, youth, naiveté, undereducation and two hours of intimidation and torture, make people even weaker. Let's have a little bit of empathy for the victims, even if we are sooo sure that we would be stronger in such a case.

The adults I wouldn't forgive.

The good news is the abuser got 5 years, the girl got damages... And the bad news is that the caller got away scot-free AND he was working at a company that manages private prisons. I shudder to imagine what this undescribable bastard of a human being does in his job every day...

This should be studied at school, with the Milgram experiment, the Stanford Prison experiment, and classes against intimidation.


Excellent post.

I think a lot of people see things like this and it upsets them, and then if they can find a way to blame the victim it makes them feel better. Yet somehow they don't make the connection that they copped out on understanding the real situation. In the interviews they brought in a psychologist who explained it as an out-of-body experience, and once it starts the victim just complies out of fear.


What you describe is called "fallacy of the fair world". People would like to believe they live in a fair world of justice where the good will win and the bad will lose. When something horrible happens, it's easier to try to blame the victim, so they can switch back to the "safety mode" of "it wouldn't happen to me". Because accepting that the world is unfair and bad things happen to good people and may well happen to you or your loved ones is very difficult to handle.


You're so clever. I like you.

Are you single?


The blame is on the manager. She should have been prosecuted.

~Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes~


The blame is on the manager. She should have been prosecuted.

Agree 100%.
I overlooked "specially", but OP lost me at "huger".

There was this fire, and I had to save it from a baby...


Thank you for the corrections. English is not my native tongue. I will edit. EDIT: I cannot edit the original post, sorry for that.


a person who would do this to an innocent young girl he never even met is a sociopath of the first order. the caller should be thrown as kindling on a large fire. unfortunately there are many people like this out there, and worse. i gave up on vampires, werewolves and zombies a long time ago, contrived creatures. plain old humans scare me so much more, and i'm a reasonably tough dude. anyways, i agree w/you we need more empathy in this world. i know i'm late to this party, but i just watched this on netflix and wanted to see how others reacted. thanks for reading.


Agree 100% and that is what I was thinking through the whole movie. I was Pi$$ed at "Sandra" though! What an ignorant, awful, ridiculous, attention seeking B****!


I just finished watching this on a Netflix dvd.. Still trying to mentally process it.. But the OP I believe is right about a lot of things.. After watching this tense drama, I don't even have words, I remember seeing the documentary this was based on on Dateline.. So, the guy who did the calling got away scot free?? jeez.


Excellent post. I think the film did a great job of showing how she increasingly felt more and more helpless. As the story progressed, you could see that she protested less, questioned less and just accepted what was happening to her since every time she "questioned authority" she was made to believe that she was just making everything worse for herself.

This idea that agents of the state have any kind of special moral authority leads people to do all sorts of stupid things. They, like the manager, believe that they are not responsible for their actions since they are just following the orders of those who have the moral right to be in charge. It's insanity. But it's an insanity that's been drilled into our brains since infancy. We're taught all the time that obedience is a virtue. But we are all responsible for our own actions. We don't forgo our moral responsibility simply because we're following those who claim to be "authority."

The scariest thing about this movie is that it made me understand everyone. I understood and empathized with them. I blame them for their actions, and like you I do not forgive them. But I understood them. And that made me feel gross.


Nope these people were just STUPID.. 

From the Manager!!
To the Girl ( her, she would get some credit if she did not take off all of her clothes then get down on her knees and give someone oral sex. I mean was she not taught about STRANGER DANGER!)
To the Boyfriend who got the blow job!!
EVERYONE who listened to the guy on the phone was STUPID!!!

Stop making excuses for your tribe!!!!THEY WERE ALL STUPID!!!

Stupid girl, Stupid Boss, Stupid Boyfriend!! PERIOD!!

Only smart one was the ex con!!

 My Happy Dance For Haters 


Weak doesn't mean stupid. But Miss Ogborn was incredibly stupid, as was almost everyone in that McDonald's that day. It should have been immediately obvious that this was a prank when the caller asked for the woman to be searched. Even a moron should realise that police do not do that. As for strip searching, a dog should be more intelligent that these people. Is the problem with Kentuckians or just McDonald's workers? Do they have a maximum IQ for employees?


I watched this some time ago but was TRAWLING around on another subject and this came up because of the actresses co star in Beatch In apartment ??

I note that there are very few comments showing empathy/sympathy/compassion for the one most abused here.

The perpetrator is of course a sadist and maybe more and to know that he worked in the criminal system is very disturbing. Many movies have been made about people we expect to help others but have a personality flaw almost Jekyll and Hyde like.

I worked in the area our Perpetrator worked and in the medical side. We all had come from other medical disciplines. One of my colleagues was a fully paid up Mental Nurse of many years but he had an ability to WIND up those who had conditions to the extent they often had to be restrained with the accompanying restrictions that go along with being disciplined. The worst thing is that the prankster was seen as one of the boys, not a do gooder like some of the rest of us.

The Perp in this story as far as I can remember visits places on rest days and observes goings on. I am sure he would take notes for reference and bearing for the up an coming snigger fest that he was about to unleash. No doubt many of the attempts fell flat but if the PRANK call does not continue then he just moves on with maybe some more experience being noted.

Seeing the linked clip does have a seemingly young/small/possibly attractive girl makes me feel that this is where the job becomes relatively easy for him. The fast food industry will hardly have dedicated loyalty in its workforce. As suggested elsewhere the chance to ogle the total nakedness and HERE helplessness of a young and almost totally compliant female is the stuff that dreams are made of and I suppose ROLEPLAY for so called jaded sex lives. Not something I understand as what is greater than total immersion in the company of your lover. My feeling is that with so much ALTERNATIVE sex available today what is thought of as normal sexual congress is BORING.

Yes many men have variations on how they achieve the little death. For some it seems like the release that mainlining junkies seek hence the need for the alternative sex. Oddly I would suppose that many of the opportunistic rapists have little time for compliant role play by the chosen victim. I would worry about personal cleanliness so would need a fairly lengthy getting to know you period whcih throws that potential activity out the window.

There was mention of a comparison to Nazi Germany elsewhere. Well in that situation a prolonged period of dehumanising had been progressing. A great many of the inhuman acts were not always concentrated in a camp situation. We see in a scene about the BOY IN PAJAMAS tale young German children enjoying the abuse of little Jew child. Who know s how often isolated killings took place just because they could. There are in this board a few references to Psychological Experimentation events over the years. It does not take much to find that in the USA those who have grown up in certain cultures have difficulties when placed in employment that HOPES that cultural discrimination does not occur in that workplace. In the USA Rose Parks is indeed a hero for just saying NO. But she had been COMPLIANT for how long. This event was played out even in the original Planet of the apes when the Apes had been conditioned to be slaves as such. Mind you did the saying Paying peanuts/bananas you get monkeys apply fairly here?
Does it apply in fast food outlets? In my country the benefit system is so good that the unemployed look down on those in the fast food industry or indeed low wage earner as being beneath them and hence the ignorant treatment the meet out. While I do not advocate SHAMING benefit needers/black economy workers with the extras/and scroungers who refuse to work for the MAN they should not be conditioned to feel superior to any worker. But while we do not have trailer trash as such we do have plenty who would warrant that sort of description.

So we have the makings of this sort of event in every town in the US. I wonder of it has been done elsewhere. Have many of the events known been caught on CTV.

We recently had a case worthy of the slime produced by so many [on TV anyway] lawyers. Maybe we should always CALL SAUL. Sporting man picks up a girl [? fully compliant] takes her to a room [HOTEL?]. Does whatever was agreed. Then calls a mate to tell him of his exploit. It went something like this. I got this BIKE and have just a good RIDE on it. Wanna have a go. Shes quite out of it. Mate duly arrives and rides this BIKE. Seems he brought a camera crew to film it. In the morning the BIKE has NO MEMORY of the second rider. That does eventually come to light and quite rightly although many [men] and thoughtless women might say she got what she deserved. Those women are actually facilitators. A rape charge was brought and the man who was not part of the original twosome got five years. He maintained that it was not rape. He did half the sentence and then got out and appealed still protesting it was not rape. The sentence has been overturned as money found couple of young men to give evidence in court that the BIKE had indeed had a few people in the saddle. I suppose this is a reversal for the safety of the female. This harks back to the good old days when young privileged man gets girl in trouble his mates gather to say they also enjoyed the pleasures. With medical advances of course this does not happen. But how many young girls have been not only ruined by becoming pregnant but by being painted as LOOSE.

In Nazi Germany as in other modern nations and of course out N Korean friends the state inhabitants need to be compliant. Especially towards authority. In the UK and the USA maybe to a greater extent this does happen. In times of national stress Police forces and government agencies all become jumpy. As it is now. Mind you it is hard to understand how an unarmed woman can be shot multiple times in the back no less [PRE OJ Simpson trial] until you read that she was [not white].

Back to the story. This crime was replicated it is said about 70 times. I assume this was by the one man but this must now be played out copy cats with nothing new under the sun. The fear of authority plays out here big time. As said elsewhere the stigma of being accused of anything in a small town/area and loss of position no matter how low that is. For those who do have a criminal bent then it is not a problem.

All that being said. The manageress was not a proper leader and had no real feeling for her underlings who could all fall by the wayside. She had a mid life newish lover who while not the greatest catch paid her attention and allowed her to feel a normal twice a week humping [I guess]. He not too clever was presented with a full on private dancing show. I am 69 and have to say that I woudl not have turned down the part to play his part in the movie and to add to the readers disgust I could not have done it in less than a few dozen takes. Our victim is not overly beautiful but is young, well shaped and as we have established COMPLIANT. As to being the real boy friend I would not have been caught out. Neither have I been caught by those odd phone calls but it is easy in a large discipline type organisation to play practical jokes on any given individual. A simple phone call from a suggested superior [unless voice recognition is good] to something relatively reasonable is possible.

Bear with me for an anecdotal tale. In the very late 1960s a recently trained recruit arrived at Hanover Airport Germany. He was to join the then 16/5th Lancers. A British heavy tank regiment. As a light tank regiment later it was the reconnaissance unit at the head of the US Armoured advance for DESERT STORM. Remember that. He made a call from the airport to the barracks to explain that he had landed and needed to get to the camp could a vehicle be sent. His christian name was Kernal/Colonel or similar so when that was heard the best vehicle was sent to being him to the camp. My memory tells me that was perhaps 100 mile round drip for the driver. When the vehicle arrived at the camp entrance a few higher ranks had made themselves available to meet and greet. Duly it arrived and out got this young basic ranked [trooper] soldier. Where is the Colonel/ did he come with you? I am Kernal/Colonel [whatever]. Oh the mirth in the lower ranks but not so much the number one sergeant major. That may have been a [gentleman to me anyway] John Constable. See another name to play with. Well the new recruit was thought to have played a little bit. The fact that he was as black as the ace of spades may not have helped. He was however quickly absorbed into the unit as well thought of member. At this lower level he was of course a Hero. If anyone has read this and has not expired before post end and can place themselves in that tale that would be interesting. It being almost folklore my interpretation may have been colored by the Chinese whisper effect.

This is a sad sorry tale of targeting and criminal manipulation But hey the perp did not time for this. Did his marriage survive? Did his employer release him [to an unfair dismissal claim]. The manager did okay in a way. How are the victims to date. If they were naive then are they not more so now?

Please do not be so unkind to people who themselves were not being harmful to others.

Yes the guy who managed to have the one on one with the victim some may say lucky B' but in reality may well have been a molester of some sort anyway. If it's too good to be true then it is [usually] not true.


Its projection based pretense. No one knows what they would do in that situation. I think your post is excellent too. But

The manager got sacked and got a suspended sentence of one year. The young woman's fiance go 5 years which I think is excessive considering he was a victim of compliance too. I think the actual phone abuser got ten years, but I cant really remember.


The actual prankster was acquitted for lack of evidence.
