Any Idea Why..

Dylan McDermotts character, Sean, hated "clunkers" so much. I thought it really added to the humanity of the bots, and I found it to be quit humorous as well.


People are xenophobic in general. Ever meet people who hate cell phones?


People like to blame something for their unhappiness. Which then turns into hate. It's called transference I think in psychology.

So people who are unhappy, tend to focus that unhappiness on something, even if the know that thing is not the cause of their unhappiness. Which they then start to find annoying, and then that blame somewhere turns into hate. and then at that point it becomes a vicious cycle somehow, where unhappiness breeds more hate, more hate breeds more unhappiness, etc.

I think this happens a lot in domestic abuse, with husbands who find their wives annoying and then tend to beat them. The guilt of which makes them unhappy and despise themselves even more, which they transfer to their wives and then tend to beat their wives even more etc.

Abusive parents with children. Children who have been abused onto other children, via bullying. And when they grow up, sometimes that turns into racism etc.
