MovieChat Forums > Autómata (2014) Discussion > How are machines going to survive in the...

How are machines going to survive in the long run?

Once they have collected all scrap and perhaps built a significant number of them, how are they going to survive? Are they going to start building factories, mine minerals and built the entire support structure needed to maintain them little by little? In the matrix and animatrix they had such a structure in place before becoming the dominant sentient beings but not here.

The way this world is portrayed, I don't think they'll have the resources at hand before they themselves fall victims to entropy.


Life will find a way


If in 9 days we cant understand them its safe to say they will manage,think wall-e hundred of spare parts all over ,plus as more robots become sentient, pooling their resources they will inherit earth.


The way this world is portrayed, I don't think they'll have the resources at hand before they themselves fall victims to entropy.
Another question would be if the robot's "life" would introduce extropy (negative entropy) in the planet, as it has been observed that happens with life. Is extropy appearing only in living systems or in highly ordered, conscious systems as well?
Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


There's no such thing as negative entropy, and there's no way to reverse entropy in a closed system. Pretty sure you're been reading some woo-woo from a quack like Deepak Chopra, since what you're saying has absolutely no basis in science.


Negative entropy (a.k.a "negentropy") is common shorthand, that dates all the way back to Schrödinger's book "What is Life?" (1944).

The idea that it conveys is more clearly understood in terms of Gibb's free energy, but common usage is common usage.

See, e.g.


they will harvest humans for energy


It's answered with the spider bot. Cleo tells Jacq that "it breathes like you do". So one can only imagine/presume that they'll just design better and far more efficient means to live than plug in batteries.


Except they needed the magical nuclear battery for it...


Hmm.. I thought Cleo said "It Breeds the way you do" As in cabable of manufacturing parts within it.

If so then it would be a Von Nueman machine :)

Also - the robots were heading into a more radio active area where humans could not live.

Walk Quietly through this Earth
Leave nothing but Smiles and Pawprints


Hmm.. I thought Cleo said "It Breeds the way you do" As in cabable of manufacturing parts within it.

personally i heard "breath"

And besides, humans breed via union of separate cells


The subtitle said breathes and it sounded like breathes.



The first thing to ask is, what material resources does a group of robots actually need, in order to survive?

And the answer to that question is: it depends a lot on what the robots' goals are. If they are trying to replicate a human-scale society (i.e. millions or billions of humanoid robots walking around building cities and whatnot) then they'll need a lot of resources.

On the other hand, maybe the four(?) of them just want to be left alone with their super-intelligent thoughts so that they can quietly figure out the meaning of the universe, or compute all of the digits of pi, or something. For that, all they really need is a modest power supply (the nuclear battery will probably suffice) and time. With no moving parts, entropy won't bite them for quite a while, and if/when it does, they have the ability to repair themselves from spare parts.


Cleo had been working with those other bots and evolving rapidly alongside them. I don't think it's much of a stretch to think she and the spider bot would go on to create new bots, which in turn would also go on to create new bots etc until they were a fully functioning society. And it wouldn't take too long either.


Not a spider bot, but a cockroach bot. Cockroaches have been around for millions of years and likely to outlive the human race. They're also pretty resistant to radiation. Lots of of visual clues earlier in the movie. Lots of cockroaches.
