Sick of the same old depressing distopian setting
How many times is Hollywood going to repeat the worn-out Blade-runner future: A world with no color. Everyone living in dreary little boxes, eating scarce and bad food. A world of pale miserable folks with bad haircuts mumbling and scowling all the time. Stay out of the acid rain! Yeah, yeah, yeah...
In 1982, when Blade-runner came out, movies set in dark depressing futures were already old-hat (Clockwork Orange, Road Warrior, Soylent Green, Metropolis...) But Ridley Scott gave his setting some fresh twists that enhanced both the story and themes.
More than thirty years later, in less creative movies like this one, film-makers are still recycling that same worn-out formula. The depressing setting of Automata just gets in the way. There might have been some interesting ideas, but for me, it just wasn't worth one more miserable trip through that same old dreary future.
Then again, maybe I'm just tired of science fiction writers who seem to take for granted that the future of humanity will look like a steaming bowl of s***.