MovieChat Forums > The Imposter (2012) Discussion > Consider this *spoilers*

Consider this *spoilers*

Hey good people,

I just saw this film last night and was blown away by it. Have read every comment here on the board and see that it´s mostly about who liked it and why, who didn´t like it and why, which side to take, and so on.
And also the whole discussion if this is in fact a docu. The views ppl have on the law enforcement, etc.

In my eyes, it is very much a docu. And a very fresh and interesting one.

To me there is no such thing as making an objective docu, as everything is filtered, even in real life, everything is subjective. (Look at Kurosawa´s "Rashomon" - there is never a "true" account of what happened in the forrest).

It isn´t so much about what really happened, we´ll never know. What to me, makes this a brilliant film is that it leaves us wondering and debating. There is no way we´ll ever know. And the intrigued of us, have dug deeper into the story and read articles about the incident.

That´s what a good film is, to me.

It raises debates and questions..and makes one wonder. Who tricks who here? Are we a manipulated audience?

I´ve read posts that use Bourdin´s words as their own back-up of their views on the film and stating that therefor occurrences are correct.
I´m not saying he´s lying (all the time), but it also shows the thin line of what we, as an audience, are willing to buy as "evidence".

This film goes deep. Deep into our minds and deep into film-making and manipulation on a high level.

I´m not going into a debate on who did what or who said what, what happened or the perhaps slacking law-enforcement (especially the FBI)...we´ll never know.

What I do know, is that I saw a film unlike any I´ve seen. The open ending and the fate of the poor boy leaves us guessing and debating.

So bravo to the film-makers for this refreshing "twist" on what easily could have turned into another typical docu.


"One day my log will have something to say about this."


Nice post Olivia. I found myself drawn towards Bourdin in the film for many reasons. He makes a compelling interviewee and so it is 'easy' to believe him in spite of knowing how good he is at being duplicitous. He's a con man extraordinaire and I wish there had been more information on present life, e.g. what works he's involved in, if any.

A documentary that plays with the concept of manipulation in content and form is good.

Why do you refuse to remember me?
