The mother didn't do it, but she knows who did it - same for the sister. It was obviously someone in the family - probably a terrible accident. The mother looked completely guilty, but not guilty like she actually murdered the kid, it's the kind that she wishes it didn't happen, but it did and there's nothing to do. Now that this wannabe son is there they can't be the suspects anymore, but she looked guilty about accepting this imposter. It's almost like the Casey Anthony case - these special, not very smart people always try to hide accidents so no one thinks they did it, but it only makes things worse. It was probably a fight, an argument gone wrong, with different members of the family - maybe the mother and sister were both present. Maybe the kid had a nervous breakdown, was on drugs, was acting crazy and frantic; could have hit his head trying to run away or maybe in the house itself when he was in a fight with someone he fell and his head; I don't know what the autopsy showed, but it didn't feel like a typical murder - it's just a bunch of idiots not taking responsibilities for their actions.
can't outrun your own shadow