'Good Luck'

When the french Nicholas finally sees Jason. He said Jason wouldn't really look at him. And when he left all he said was good luck. So does that mean Jason new this guy wasn't Nicholas.Makes me think Jason knows what happened to the kid then.


Yes, that is what "the imposter" wants us to think. Is that the way it really happened? How could anyone know for sure? This guy lies about everything, so he is likely making up everything about his interactions with the family as well. Then again, you can't be sure....That is what is great about this documentary.


The sister's son stated that this visit did take place and that Jason seemed standoffish. The "good luck" part came from Bourdin, which may or may not be true, but the FBI agent confirmed that Jason seemed disinterested about "Nicholas" being found and he even admitted that he knew all along that Bourdin was an imposter.
