MovieChat Forums > The Imposter (2012) Discussion > Even a Cursory Medical Exam?

Even a Cursory Medical Exam?

When there were first suspicions, why did they not have the imposter "drop trough"? They could've figured out pretty quickly that it was not Nicholas.

I am sorry there is no way to ask this without sounding very, very flaky, but I have not seen it mentioned or addressed. I also realize it is presumptuous to make generalizations, but odds are good I'm correct.

If Nicholas was a "typical" boy born in the U.S., then I'd say there is about a 95% chance he had a little something removed after he was born that sure as hell doesn't grow back.

The imposter, on the other hand, and being a foreigner, has less than a 2% chance of having that piece of his anatomy missing.

Did anyone even do a medical examination on this kid/imposter? There are way, too many horribly obvious discrepancies between the physical characteristics of a blond American 13-16yo kid, and a 23yo European man. Are there really that many dumb people to not be able to figure this out?


I imagine any number of tests would have been performed - if the family hadn't said he was Nicholas.

Then it would turn the dynamics around. The guy at the Embassy would change from someone trying to ascertain a foreigners' details to a man keeping an American's son from going home. That would also be a lot of political pressure.

The French scoundrel tried it on. But then - 'quelle surprise'!

Why the family did what they did is baffling. Without them and their suspicious actions this would have been a non-event.



95%? Circumcision rate in Texas is about 50% and falling every year since people realize how stupid it is. It's only in the midwest that circumcision is still very popular. On the whole west coast and in Florida, the rate falls to around 11%.


Perhaps a reason as to why he wasn't checked "down there" is since people were seemingly buying his story at first, asking someone who they thought was a child who had endured horrendous sexual abuse to show them his penis might've seemed like it would've been too traumatic for him.
