MovieChat Forums > Tomorrowland (2015) Discussion > This will be a cult classic someday. Rem...

This will be a cult classic someday. Reminds me of '80s Amblin

What's with the hate? This was a really fun movie. It's all make belief, why are people obsessing over politics? It's just a premise. It's not trying to convert anyone or lie to you. It's just a story. It's a fun adventure flick about how humans how lost their exploration spirit. We've lost something..there's no real mystery left in the world. Everything is an easy click away. This movie is about belief and adventure and fun. Is it perfect? Heck no. Does it deserve to be crapped on constantly? Heck no! It's a solid 7.5/10 movie. It reminded mea of '80s Amblin flicks like Goonies or Back to The Future or even movies like The Explorers or Monster Squad. Not in plot but in the feel of wonder and adventure. Critics got way too carried away about the political stuff. That's not what this is. It's a fun family movie with a slight message of optimism and hope about science and science fiction. You get that last part? Science fiction? As in...not real. Come on people. Grow up already. It's just a Disney movie. Critics were waiting for Brad Bird to make anything short of a masterpiece so they could bring him down a couple pegs. Happened with Steven Spielberg too after 1941. Critics couldn't wait for Spielberg to fail. Same thing with Bird, except Tomorrowland is much better than 1941 and didn't deserve the critical rebuke. One day in the future this will be a cult classic. I really think so. The hate is so misplaced.


I avoided the movie for a while because of underwhelming reviews I saw when the movie came out. But I finally got around to watching it this week, and I agree it was basically a fun time-waster.

But I thought the very end of the movie was a little weak. I would have preferred a less ambiguous happy ending. If you rewatch the opening scenes, it is clear from the speech being given ("when I was a kid, the future was different") to the 'robots' that the future is not yet 'corrected'.

Also, I would have preferred had the 'big baddie' gotten reformed and seen the light instead of gotten squished.


What's with the hate? This was a really fun movie.

This movie is about belief and adventure and fun. Is it perfect? Heck no. Does it deserve to be crapped on constantly? Heck no!

The movie was terrible to me because it's an endless cascade of flaws.

Take the acting: everyone in this movie gave a bad performance except for George Clooney and Hugh Laurie, neither of whom are in the movie much. Bad acting is a problem. It sets the reaction spectrum from cringe to boredom.

The special effects are equally awful. When young Frank goes whizzing around on his jet pack, he looks like a cartoon. Then he crashes into the ground in a manner that should have broken his neck and killed him instantly. Yet he walked away. Is he Bugs Bunny? Is this movie meant to be a cartoon?

Every aspect of this movie is as flawed. How you had a lot of fun with such a poorly put together movie is a mystery to me.

A couple I know are getting married...
...the fools


I thought Britt Robinson's acting was horrible and annoying (like an adult trying really hard to imitate a child, which is what she technically was doing), and her future projects don't look much more ambitious than this; i'm not surprised. I heard the part came down to her and Naomi Scott. I wish they had cast Naomi Scott instead she would have been much better. I thought the little girl was good though. I left the movie with a good impression of Athena, I can't even remember the other character's names and can't be bothered enough to check.


I kinda get that feeling. You know, it might go down in history as one of those beloved and semi-influential films that was surprisingly overlooked at the time of its released. Or, it won't be any more appreciated than it is now (maybe even less). Either way, it will have its fan base.

You want something corny? You got it!
