MovieChat Forums > Tomorrowland (2015) Discussion > This is why you can't have nice things.....

This is why you can't have nice things....

This movie works on so many levels. Easily one of my favorites of 2015. Goes on my list of favorite sci-fi's as well. Nice movie of hope. I can't believe it did so poorly. I find this and say, The Lone Ranger as two greatly unappreciated movies. Pure entertainment, well done. The two female leads were very well done and endearing and George Clooney did a great job. This movie is the complete opposite of Shlock like ANY of the Transformer movies. Hell, I like TMRLND and TLR better than The Force Awakens and I'm a Star Wars nut. Sorry, this is a drunk rant. I just don't get how this movie flopped. The mock blu-Ray commercial of this movie says it all.


I definitely liked this but the Lone Ranger sucked donkey d&cks.


I'm with you on Tommorrowland (I loved it), but I can't get behind Lone Ranger. That movie was awful.
