Not sure what I was thinking. I came on here explicitly to read the threads, perhaps to have a laugh at the irony I knew I would find. But it just kinda broke my heart instead.
Cynical, spiteful and weak. "Me, me, me, my political views, my this, my that."
Nix wasn't a bad guy. He was just fed up. No wonder.
That field of dreams in the ending will be as sparsely populated for a long time to come.
And if you feel called out, good. Selfawareness might hurt, but it's ultimately the only way forward.
I don't see a lot of smart people posting their opinions in message boards, but when I do it's worth reading it.
Harder to find in today's political climate, as the center is vanishing and most people are being lured to one extreme or the other. Those folks rarely have anything worth a *beep* to say in my experiences.
But hey, cheer up. Perhaps I'm wrong and it's not that smart people are drying up; maybe they've all been spirited away to Tomorrowland and they're building your better future ;)
Interesting. I came here to comment on where the director went wrong in scenes and editing, never even thinking there would be political issues discussed.
So, I'll join in there first: Everything Laurie's character said was true. Many of the movies Hollyweird has been putting out are apocalyptic. Even Tom Cruise got in the act with "Oblivion".
Strange thing is, this movie avoided the climate change issue, and stuck to a human mindset of self destruction by way of programming. The only theme that even resembles a political one, is the NASA issue. I for one wish the world would all focus on what's 'out there' to improve what's right here. The space programs provided us with the vast majority of the technology we take so for granted today.
As far as the improving this movie, I think Bird made two major mistakes:
1: The entire Eiffel Tower segment should have been deleted. I don't know what the writers were thinking. Like Tessler, and Edison were constructing a rocket to travel not only through space after the turn of the century, but through 'dimensions' as well. Pretty stupid, boring, and almost ruined the movie for me completely. However, Britt Robertson has a way of keeping me tuned in no matter what. :-)
2: When they finally arrive in Tomorrowland, it should have been the place Casey visited with the pin, not a dismal cloudy almost 'vacant' city. The place that was doomed was Earth in our dimension, not theirs. Big error there, because it's a letdown to our expectations of finally arriving in Tomorrowland after all that ridiculous routine they had to go through to get there.
However, I imagine after reading some of these boards here, that it probably wouldn't have mattered too much if Bird made those adjustments, because the complaints are mostly right wing political garbage anyway.
2: When they finally arrive in Tomorrowland, it should have been the place Casey visited with the pin, not a dismal cloudy almost 'vacant' city. The place that was doomed was Earth in our dimension, not theirs. Big error there, because it's a letdown to our expectations of finally arriving in Tomorrowland after all that ridiculous routine they had to go through to get there.
I kind of took it like the old saying, "Too many Chiefs and not enough Braves." As in, sure, you can take all of the brilliant people in the world and put them in one place to solve all of the problems, but if no one picks up a broom now and again, sh!t starts to pile up. And, if no one is willing to get their hands dirty, stuff which breaks down won't get fixed.
because the complaints are mostly right wing political garbage anyway.
As far as this goes, I posted this in a different thread:
I'm not saying your wrong, but one of the major problems is the hysteria and hatred spewed by the leftist Hollywood gang and politicians who make millions of $ doing more damage to the environment than the average person would do in a dozen life times.
Al Gore works people into a frenzy, lives in a energy wasteful mansion, flies around the world in private jets and is escorted with his wife (only) in a limo built for a dozen. He swears the polar ice-caps are going to melt and flood all beach areas - then drops $8 million on a beach-front house in Malibu.
Other celebrities get paid millions to make a movie where they blow up a few houses, wreck a bunch of cars, have bunches of explosions which not only wasted fuel but pollute the air and then push for regulations on manufacturing which cost middle-class people their jobs.
Had the environmentalists not gone the "Reefer Madness" route and practiced what they preached, then more people would have been willing to believe what they were selling.
There would still be skeptics. And, there would be people like me who acknowledge what man has caused but also recognize that we not only have a small understanding what has happened over time but also that we can't control what nature has wrought.
Either way, more people would be open to what is being said if it weren't for the horrible messengers associated with the environment.
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There would still be skeptics. And, there would be people like me who acknowledge what man has caused but also recognize that we not only have a small understanding what has happened over time but also that we can't control what nature has wrought.
Before I tell you what I think of your reply in general, I'll reply to the above: No, but we can sure control what 'we' have wrought.
I don't know what movie you watched, but the Blu-ray I own and watch often, is an alternative dimension where all the artists, creative minds, and dreamers, get the opportunity to live in a world that reflects their accomplishments and dreams.
This is the world that should have been re-visited by Clooney, and his pals, not a vacant wasteland. That is Earth's destiny, not theirs.
I can't argue with some of your logic, but it doesn't have anything to do with this movie.
I don't know what movie you watched, but the Blu-ray I own and watch often, is an alternative dimension where all the artists, creative minds, and dreamers, get the opportunity to live in a world that reflects their accomplishments and dreams.
I'm talking about when they first arrive in Tomorrowland and it looks run down. They seem short-sighted - that only the "brilliant minds" would be the ones there. But, without the "hard working middle-class" types to do the manual labor, things fell apart.
I can't argue with some of your logic, but it doesn't have anything to do with this movie.
It has to do with you and others dismissing all of the complaints about the movie as being "right-wing cr*p."
What I mean is, had the left wingers done a better job of promoting their message AND practicing what they preach, more people would be accepting of their message.
It's like someone who says you are a bad person because you have a beer or glass of wine every night at supper, while they are busy smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day.
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I'm talking about when they first arrive in Tomorrowland and it looks run down. They seem short-sighted - that only the "brilliant minds" would be the ones there. But, without the "hard working middle-class" types to do the manual labor, things fell apart.
The only way I can watch the movie where that scene makes any sense to me, and I can enjoy the flick without dwelling on it, is to imagine that the three of them landed on "the other side of the tracks" in Tomorrowland. lol..
It has to do with you and others dismissing all of the complaints about the movie as being "right-wing cr*p."
My reference to right wing crap being the main critique of why the ratings are low, was stated because I don't see any "left wing crap" in the movie to complain about, other than the NASA issue.
The main issue in this movie is the machine Frank made that has backfired by "programming the minds of the people of Earth that the apocalypse is inevitable".
No political issues were ever discussed except the ending of the Space program, which anyone with half a brain would know is a bad idea. Which by the way, is "left wing garbage" not right wing.
My reference to right wing crap being the main critique of why the ratings are low, was stated because I don't see any "left wing crap" in the movie to complain about, other than the NASA issue.
It is the whole environmentalist movement. I'm in favor of a clean earth. I, and most others, don't like being told we are horrible/stupid if we don't agree with what the left has to say about the environment - WHILE THEY ARE MAKING THEMSELVES MULTIMILLIONAIRES BY DOING WORSE THINGS THAN THEY SAY WE ARE DOING.
Please do not read that as a swipe at you. It goes back to the horrible messengers sending the message.
I really think those people did more harm than good.
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It is the whole environmentalist movement. I'm in favor of a clean earth. I, and most others, don't like being told we are horrible/stupid if we don't agree with what the left has to say about the environment - WHILE THEY ARE MAKING THEMSELVES MULTIMILLIONAIRES BY DOING WORSE THINGS THAN THEY SAY WE ARE DOING.
Please do not read that as a swipe at you. It goes back to the horrible messengers sending the message.
I really think those people did more harm than good.
This has NOTHING to do with this movie my friend. There are 'NO ENVIRONMENTAL' issues discussed in this flick. It may be perceived that way, but if anything, this flick encourages creativity, and belittles the 'left wing' for shortsightedness regarding the NASA program.
If you have a problem with Al Core and other left wingers, take it to a subject it applies to. This movie ain't it.
My last reply here, and on these boards as well, since they will shut down on 20 February, 2017:
Goodbye to everyone that has put up with my nasty replies when I was called names, and to all of those that truly came here to enjoy sharing their opinions about movies with others with some dignity and class. I will miss the boards, but they won't miss us. Farewell...
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There are 'NO ENVIRONMENTAL' issues discussed in this flick. It may be perceived that way, but if anything, this flick encourages creativity, and belittles the 'left wing' for shortsightedness regarding the NASA program.
You are free to think that way, no matter how wrong you are.
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