It was decent, cliché, but I thought it was somewhat enjoyable.
So I saw this last night. It wasn't great cinema by any means, but for basically a small studio, it wasn't bad. Story was decent I would say, but it was so frustrating seeing the characters of the women on their getaway doing such stupid things. The one in the hot tub basically got herself killed be being such an idiot.
I would say it was a good attempt, the scenes were very dark at times and had a hard time seeing what was going on, the sound mix left a lot to be desired, a lot of the time the dialoged was hard to hear, and the shaky cam was the absolute shakiest I have ever seen. I actually had to close my eyes because it was messing with my head.
It was far from the best movie I have seen, and it was definitely not the worst movie I have seen. Good effort I would say. I enjoyed watching it but I doubt I will ever watch it again.