Enjoyed it enough

It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, as a lot of people are tired of found footage movies. I still like them, and always realize going in that it's just going to be a popcorn flick at most.

The ending was weaker than I'd hoped, but the build up was nice, and none of the actors really annoyed me or anything.

I went into this only having read the description, and only hearing a few things about it online. Didn't have high expectations, and overall wasn't disappointed that I watched it. It was enjoyable for a rainy, fall night viewing. I'd give it a 6/10. Not great, but better than some other FF movies I've sat through.



Yeah, I agree with both of you, although I'd rate it a little higher, about a 7.5 for me.

Build up was great, it just got creepier and creepier. Don't know what it was about her, but the doll chick got to me! Lol

The ending fell apart though, like the guy above me said, the final house was a complete letdown. Didn't know what the hell that blue thing was I was looking at for like 10 minutes until I finally realized it was a glow stick.

Shoulda been more gore too, or any for that matter.

Danielle Harris 
I've got a big dog with me, and he bites!


Agreed on all points. What creeped me out most though was the fact that I've recently been reading about some extreme haunts (none really in my area), specifically the one in San Diego called McKamey Manor. They do very limited shows (only two people at a time and only 2 to 3 groups per night)and you have to sign a waiver. The tour can take anywhere from 2-7 hours according to their site and they can do pretty much anything outside of causing real physical harm. It seems really intense. That one wouldn't worry me, as it's a pretty well known haunt, but you have to imagine if they're doing it, there are other backwoods haunts doing similar things under not so watchful eyes.

For an indie flick, not bad at all though, and the acting was decent. Just a rushed ending.


Agreed. Excellent film, but the ending was anti-climatic, weak... They should shoot an alternate ending.


Conversations and interactions between main "characters" felt so genuine as if they actually thought they were making a documentary. None of it appeared scripted, other then the haunt itself. That aspect was really well done.

Until the very end which didn't work for me at all.


I have to disagree with some of you, to some extent. I don't know what it was, but after creepy doll girl left the camper, almost everything except the invitation seemed like filler. Then we get to the disappointing ending. Cut 20 minutes out of the rest and add 15 back in to properly develop an ending/exploit the haunt house and you might have something here.


Sadly the doll girl was the best part of the movie. It seemed to get a bit more interesting halfway through, but again fell flat toward the end.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
