The doll girl, jeeze.

Okay dolls are generally creepy on their own, but I've never been a person that's outright terrified of them. But the doll girl.. thing.. in this film absolutely scared the crap out of me.

Her movements, the sounds she made, her eyes, and the fact that there's no real explanation behind her (which is good) just outright gave me the chills. There was something just so... inhuman about it. As in, it wasn't just some person in a costume acting, it just felt wrong and bizarre.

Props to the actress, hope to God I never run into that thing. Honestly if I saw someone wearing that costume at a party, I'd probably run and *beep* my pants simultaneously.

Kill. It. With. Fire. ugh.


Agreed. Lights On.


i've never been creeped out by dolls, but yeah, she made my skin crawl!! at the same time, i think i have found my costume for next year 😂


Doll girl was one of the best things in the movie, she's even on the poster but doesn't appear much and the only major scene she has is kind of dumb and silly.


"she's even on the poster but doesn't appear much and the only major scene she has is kind of dumb and silly."

What scene was she in that was "dumb and silly"?

I thought the scene where she wanders into their trailer was effectively disturbing.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


I thought that scene was dumb and silly because she just walks into their trailer, awkwardly screams and goes away.

They're all like "Ummm...OK, that happened". (Much like the audience.)


I thought that scene was creepy as hell. The sounds she makes as she exits were even worse. Just creepy!

American Horror Story Season 7: Donald Trump



Yup, you hit the nail on the head. Doll girl (Porcelain) is such a bizarre and unsettling character from a visual perspective, and the actress did a fantastic job of conveying creepy intimidation with absolutely no dialogue. If the film gains cult status i can definitely see her become an indie horror icon.


She was the reason why I even watched this movie. I really like her!


She reminded me of that killer in Blood Widow and A little like the killer from the movie "Detention"! Overall, I thought she should've gotten way more camera time!


The disturbing thing about her showing up at the camp spot was that she was from the Haunted House they were at a day or so before! So somehow she\it followed them for however many miles it was between the first exhibit and the next.


"Porcelain" was the ONLY thing good about this movie. She was a interesting character.


I thought she was beautiful, too bad about her hair though.

I was kidnapped by a pack of mimes. They performed unspeakable acts on me
