MovieChat Forums > Saving Hope (2012) Discussion > new to show - quick question

new to show - quick question

huge stargate and smallville fan so i'm quite fond of two of the main actors.

the show is billed as a supernatural medical drama. my question is how much of the show is actually "supernatural"? or is this basically grey's anatomy with a "ghost"?

thanks for the help


I feel the first season definitely felt more medical with a bit of a ghost feel to it, the second season found it's way to more "supernatural" and slightly reminded me of the Medium or Ghost whisperer but still carried all of its medical aspect.

P.s I was a big fan of Smallville and I dabbled with stargate, I think based on those two things you'll probably enjoy this show :)


Well, I don't watch Grey's Anatomy -- or any other current medical show, for that matter -- but I'm inclined to tell you it's basically a medical show with a 'ghost' in each episode. For me personally, it's starting to feel much more generic this year, very 'relationship-centric' and less supernatural.

'Save me, Barry!'


During a season preview the actors said this season was romance/relationship heavy...looks like they were right. Still think there's some good medical and supernatural stories but hopefully the background drama settles down a bit by the end of the season and for Season 4.

Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!


Agree with all of the above.
I haven't watched any medical dramas in the 21st century, but I'm guessing the reason this show does not air in the U.S. is because the surgery scenes always include at least one very real, very graphic bit, which I don't think Grays or Private Practice would show. Can anyone who watched Grays confirm that that show would never show, for example, intestines being moved around, or close ups of compound fractures under surgical lights?

Anyway, I too tuned in for scifi alum and the supernatural element.


I also watch another medical serial , Night Shift, and they show everything uou said and more on US television.

Saving Hope had problems on US tv becouse NBC is dumb !! But i think they have new agreament to come bsck in another channel., so let'see


surgery scenes always include at least one very real, very graphic bit

I don't know why it doesn't air in the states...but that's not it...even though bones doesn't have live people...there is a lot of graphic stuff on it...sometimes I have to turn my eyes, when seeing a decomposing body and all that.....with this show, I don't do that all that often....

so that's not it, they just dont' want the show, they dont' know what's good...



It doesn't air in the states because NBC doesn't give any program a chance to catch on.

Saving Hope was not even advertised. I just tripped across it, fell in love with it and NBC cancelled it. Sometimes they actually cancel things after the first episodes.

They haven't had a REAL hit since ER went off the air. They have some good programming. They just don't know how to handle it

Oh my goodness! Can you imagine if there were two of me?


from what the next epi has, he has to tell his secret, so the staff will now know ??? guess we will see in a couple days

