Self Defense in Canada
I am on episode 10 in season 3 where Dr Joel gets arrested for a fairly clear cut case of self defense. The cops instantly treat him as a scum bag murderer.
The psycho husband was wailing away on Joel that would have clearly ended up in permanent disfigurement, disability or possible death. The psycho had a history of violence and abuse. Joel, I do not remember ever STARTING a fight, but he has always defended himself like any sane, rational person would do.
In Canada is a person unable to legally defend oneself? Are you, as a victim, duty bound not to resist in an attack and simply allow your attacker to maim or kill you? I researched how the laws are written, but in reality the victim seems to be very much demonized if he or she fights back instead of laying there and get beaten to death.
I see finally that Joe was eventually vindicated and saved from AGGRESSIVE prosecution by video cameras. Then Canadian society seems to dictate that the victim should feel horrific guilt and think that he is a total MONSTER for accidentally killing an attacker who clearly and easily could have killed him in a VICIOUS attack. Wow. Read American comments on videos showing the victim shooting and killing psycho scum would be killers. We applaud and hold up heroes who defend themselves. We believe (coldly?) that a if a viscous attacker is killed by a victim that it is a GOOD day.
I get the feeling that Canadians feel 100% opposite to the way (USA)Americans feel. "shoot to wound", "run away", etc etc. It doesnt work that way. Sorry.
I have heard that Canadian courts will practically lock you up for life if you shoot an intruder in your own home. I dont think I could live with those total lack of rights to defend myself.
It makes me angry, to be quite honest. How did Canadian citizens allow themselves to be such pussy victims? I do not understand. The situation may not be as bad as I think. But the trend certainly seems that the victim is put on trial and punished for defending himself in almost any situation.
OK, I did a little digging. There are many instances and situations that give the criminal WAY more rights than the victim. I could go to jail longer than a thief if I hit and injure him while trying to retrieve my stolen item/car etc.
In America, they used to hang horse thieves on the spot. That mentality still shapes how we feel we have rights as victims in today's society. Act uncivilized ten expect repercussions.
In Canada:
"You're allowed to try and get your belongings back," Nichols says, but under Section 38 of the criminal code, "you can't strike or cause bodily harm to the person that's stealing your stuff."
Through years of determination and hard work, the voices of victims have been heard.
Change began when victims themselves began to speak out about the system and its shortcomings. When police and others within the system began to validate what the victims were saying, and supporting their message, people began to take notice
This indicates there HAS been a problem and it is better but has a way to go yet.
Is this correct?
Overall, I love this show despite the over the top musical sex partners and big soap opera sub plots. The rest of the show makes up for that. Honestly in every respect the show could easily be set in the USA. I see little cultural or moral differences. I was, however appalled by the demonstration of how a victim is instantly demonized in Canada's legal system. The cops' behavior was heinous.
Yes, I realize that in the USA, we have even worse police and TSA behavior in other police matters. But usually the victim is not as demonized in the USA system. Usually, not always.The TSA is a totally separate matter. Do not even get me started on that. I just hate to see peoples' rights get trampled on..anywhere.