
Okay. Dr. Bishop is in the middle of a difficult divorce. The blonde intern (I still don't know any of their names) dumps her boyfriend and starts hitting on Bishop hard. He comes clean about his situation, explains that he's not ready to move on from his wife yet, and advises her to keep her distance. He likes her and he's interested, but he's trying to do the right thing. She's initially upset, but then decides to go for it anyway, and doubles down on the flirting. She continues to pursue him, despite his hesitation to get involved. Then, when he's feeling upset and vulnerable after losing an infant patient, she gets even more aggressive with the whole thing. He finally gives in, because he's attracted to her, and because he needs comfort and a distraction. They sleep together once, with no discussion of commitment before or afterward. Then he manages to patch things up with his wife, and they get back together. Three entire months later, the blonde intern is acting like she's been betrayed by the great love of her life, and is still so upset at the very sight of him that she has to guilt trip him and then run away.

Really? It's not like they were in love. They weren't soulmates. They weren't even a couple. They had one night of drinks that was maybe a date and maybe a friends thing, and slept together once. She had a crush that was at best an infatuation. Why is she acting like a melodramatic teenager, especially that long after the fact? It's like a bad Grey's Anatomy season 1 knockoff.

Most of the other women on this show are strong, confident, and intelligent. I don't understand how the writers can do such a great job with Alex, Dawn, Maggie, and Dana, and then write this ridiculous intern who doesn't realize she's not inhabiting a teen soap opera.


Yeah, Cassie has been hit or miss for me. That shows she has a lot of growing up to do next season.

Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!


She really does. She drives me crazy, and not in a good way. It's too bad that the interns are so unmemorable. I didn't even know her name, or the names of the other two. They just aren't important enough to anything that's going on.


Strong, confident, & intelligent like the chief of surgery who passive-aggressively dumped her boyfriend and pulled the "if you don't know what you did I'm not gonna tell you" card when he asked why instead of saying I saw the kiss between you and Maggie?


At least she admitted she was an idiot. I think every character has done something stupid for love/relationship reasons on the show.

Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!


I agree. I have never liked her, and I think she asked for what she got. She had fair warning, but she insisted pushing.
