
Overall good episode. But I think they should of loosed the whole Alex re living her childhood experience, and instead used that time for just Charlie and Alex communicating.

Maggie, lol she wants crazy guys, not good guys, but what kind of crazy will be depend on who she sleeps with next.

Again the show still needs more of the supernatural side like season 1.


I had to stop the recording about 5 mins in and write -- granted I tended to listen to the first two seasons a lot of the time, occasionally glancing up rather than sitting down and watching -- but open-heart surgery with no masks, no gowns, no caps, leaning over the patient with long hair dangling?


oh yea that stuff is always a bother, but overtime I become numb to all the mistakes. otherwise I will have nothing to watch.


I hope they won't make Alex coma long like Charlies only to learn next season if there is that they both can see the dead lol


It is a Drama T.V. Show!!!...I liked it when Dawn, Maggie & Charlie didn't wait....They Did not wait to put on gowns, masks, & get Alex in to the operating room.....If they did then Alex would have died.....This is Drama .... I don't expect to see a realistic medical show!


Who are the medical advisors on this show? I couldn't believe her comment about DVT not being a possibility because they weren't in the air. DVT can happen anywhere.


Isn't thrombosis more of a post-surgery, non-mobility risk? Dawn actually mentions Alex needing to move around to avoid thrombosis a few episodes later, but I don't know if it was possible for DVT to be an issue right then and there. Flying is known to be a DVT risk, that's probably why she made the airplane comment. I think Dawn was just exasperated with Charlie at this point, as he was rattling off one thing after another.

Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!
