MovieChat Forums > Saving Hope (2012) Discussion > Season 2 to Premiere in US in January

Season 2 to Premiere in US in January

I've been watching Season 1 over again on ION Television and was surprised to see they are repeating Season 1 until January, January will than start airing Season 2 in the US, which for anyone who hasn't watched the series in Canada or online will finally be able to see where the story goes next.
I was able to find a website that was showing the series as it aired on CTV, but am glad I will finally be able to watch the rest on an actual TV and help support the series the way it should be supported.


My only guess is that they don't want to start Season 2 during the holidays, or just getting some extra people to watch it. Hopefully they'll go straight from 2 to 3.

And I agree...I can watch the whole series online but love watching it on TV and will definitely tune in next year.

Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!


What's the name of the website you can find all the seasons on? I love to binge watch and hate having to wait a week or two for a new to me episode.



Where can you watch the series? I can't get it on Netflix. I'm so happy season 2 is on but I don't want to have to wait for the next season.


I'm surprised at the delay. They're billing the second season as "new" but it's clearly not; several years old, in fact.

You spell God with a G, I spell Nature with an N. Capital. - Frank Lloyd Wright


They are now up to parts of season 3 on ION. You tube has full episodes, so I'm trying to get caught up that way. I'm up to the episode where Joel gets arrested
