I think what she left behind was her conscious thought of having a baby with Charlie!.....In Episodes 2 of Season 3, Alex Spirit was talking to Charlie about having a child with him ......Alex, says "When I wake up let's have a baby" and the spirit Alex kisses Charlie and At the same time...Joel kisses Alex that was in a coma! ....Alex wake up and does not know who she was!....By the ending of Season 3 Episode 3 ....Alex almost got back who "she was" but there a sense of her that she did stay in a Spirit world......Like for example.....When Joel wrote down on a piece of paper of who Alex is....He only wrote down Doctor.....but, Alex is more then just a Doctor ......But, Alex subconscious knew that and had sex with Charlie even with Alex was so cold to him!.....All though out the Season 3 ...Alex, got pieces of she left behind .....Episode 5, when Charlie was giving back his keys to Alex .....Alex left hand touch Charlie hand and she had a vision...Someone drawing a heart in the sand....Each time that her left hand hurt!....Episode 8 at the end of that episode..... Charlie shock hands with Alex left hand ....Alex had another one of her vision....Charlie, Drew the heart in the sand ....Episode 15, at the end....Charlie, put his hand on Alex belly .....Alex touch her left hand with Charlie hand....Alex, saw Charlie at the beach holding a baby! .....Episode 18 ......Alex, has the baby ......Alex was holding baby and did not about her Spirit and than she hands the baby off to Charlie.....Alex left hand touches Charlie and she remembers all about Surgery and remembers about being a Spirit and about the conversation "Let's have a baby".......So, Conscious thought vs subconscious thought!!!....