MovieChat Forums > Saving Hope (2012) Discussion > Alex + Charlie breakup...divorce

Alex + Charlie breakup...divorce

After she fought for nearly an entire season for Charlie then FINALLY getting married, their breakup reasoning seemed hollow. He tells her he talks to dead people. She doesn't even try to rationalize this or understand why he can't / won't talk to her recently deceased brother. Did I miss an episode where their breakup made more sense?


Their relationship is the albatross around this show's neck so it never really bothered me why they broke up. Though basically, Alex's dead brother told Charlie to break up with her for Alex's own good. That man should be sainted.
Beyond that, no, there didn't seem to be any other build up. But then, this show doesn't seem interested in building towards anything at all. Joel is magically back with Sonja which happened off screen between last week and this week and they barely mention it. I don't think I've ever seen a show invest so little in the character development of it's three leads.


I came to the board to see if I had missed something about Joel getting back together with Sonja. Glad I'm not the only person who was shocked to see them together again. I'm wondering if maybe they showed these last couple of episodes out of order so that Joels breakup happened after this episode?

Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.

"Bored now"


I thought about that, but Charlie and Alex were still together in the episode that Sonja and Joel broke up in so it couldn't have been shown out of order. It's just really poor storytelling.


I think Alex asked about it and Joel said they were working on their relationship. So they just skipped any 'Let's try again' conversations between Joel and Sonja.

Maybe it's a little choppy, but I don't mind not seeing every little part of every relationship on the show.

"Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!"


and did we ever see what's her face sleeping with what's his name...sorry, need to come here more....

and all of a sudden she's pregs....


they seem to be concentrating more and more on the medical aspect of the show, instead of the relationship part......


They didn't actually get married. They said something about this. They decided not to get married at this time because they deemed it unneccesary.

I saw somewhere else that storytelling in Canadian shows follows a different path than American shows -- here we like everything spelled out for us. There they are able to assume that things can happen without them having to see absolutely everything. If something is explained to a character later, it is enough. Like Joel explaining to Alex that he and Sonja are giving it another go -- that is all that is needed -- they don't need to see it all happen to accept that it did. It's just that Americans have come to expect it all spelled out for us and apparently Canada doesn't use storytelling that way.


I'm not American.
And the way Saving Hope operates at the minute has very little to do with story telling 'technique'. It's laziness. Joel is one of the main characters so this stuff should be on screen. They don't want to have to write these scenes so they don't. Sonja dumped Joel because of his feelings for Alex. That's a massive thing to break up over and it was never resolved. In the previous episode, Joel was about to hook up with (and he'd been with her before) the woman that worked for the medical company but didn't when the hip replacement stuff came to light. The most recent episode opens with them on a double date. Sorry. This isn't a show that's assuming their audience is smart. It's assuming they wont notice or care.
Saving Hope isn't some clever drama, it's a soap (and I mean that more in the UK sense of the word). But even soaps know that the relationships between the main characters (and the relationships of the main characters to others) is the foundation for any half decent show. Saving Hope is failing miserably when it comes to the characters, and if it doesn't have that, what's left?


I'm not American.
And the way Saving Hope operates at the minute has very little to do with story telling 'technique'. It's laziness. Joel is one of the main characters so this stuff should be on screen

I agree, I think that it's more laziness then anything..

but I thought that I read that joel is on something else, so his screen time might need to be limited because of that.....


it's a soap in the American

but, the UK ones, don't show a lot of the lovely dovey stuff that the American ones


yeah joel's on

that's why he's not on the show that much...this year



I MUCH rather Alex w/Charlie - her brother died and doesn't have any right to tell Charlie to break up w/Alex (no disrespect to Alex's brother- I guess he has his reasons, its just that Alex fought so much to bring Charlie back b/c she couldn't stand the thought of him dying b/c she's in love w/him). Charlie gave up too easy b/c he is still totally in love w/Alex and she loves him. I just found a way to watch Season 3 on a website that I go to b/c the US doesn't get it anymore, so I'm excited to see what happens w/my couple Charlie/Alex; I want her to find a way to believe him and not think something "medically" wrong is w/him. Alex HAS to find out Charlie loves her and is telling her the truth. I also think Joel/Sonja have much more chemistry together, I don't feel anything b/w Joel/Alex at all-- in my opinion its all about Charlie/Alex and their amazing chemistry together.


when did they get married? did i miss anything?


They were never married! ..In the pilot they on the way to get married but the taxi had a accident and Charlie wound up in a coma....When Charlie came out his coma....Charlie & Alex went on a Vacation and they came back (S2E1) Zac, asked Alex if they have gotten married. Alex, said No! .....In Season 4 Episode 2 Dr. Leviene asked Alex if she was married to Charlie Harris & Alex had say she was not but they are living together....In Season 4 the last Episode 18, Tom the gunman mistaken called Alex, Mrs. Harris.....So, they were never married....Hopefully, in Season 5.....


One......Alex and Charlie were not ever married......they are still not married at the end Season 4 Episode 18, hopefully they will get married in Season 5!.......Two...I think Saving Hope tells this story well!.....It could be the actress who plays Sonya could have been off doing other things and that is why there is no story between Joel and Sonya ......I think what Saving Hope did...Joel explaining to Alex about his relationship with Sonya was good enough and I did not think there was a episode missing or that the episode were in there wrong in Season 2.....
