I find it ironic that
A book/movie series that is about how our society and media can do some of the most desperate things for the sake of money and so what do they do? They split the last book into two movies for the sake of money. Also many fans like to defend this franchise saying it's not another twilight and that this is a way more sophisticated YA series, but since now that they decided to copy what every YA franchise is doing by splitting the last book into two movies. The hunger games series now falls into that YA tend and so basically it is just another twilight. It doesn't wanna stick out and be its own thing. Now the general audience just views it as another dumb teen book/movie. I'm sorry but I was a fan of the books and the first two movies but because of how much of a missed opportunity with mockingjay they had they thought "hey instead of making a great well paced story, lets just make it really stretched out and boring. We will get more money that way." I now have no respect for this franchise anymore.