invalid reviews

In the featured review today, the writer said he stopped watching after 40 minutes (he was, of course, a BR fan) . Since the movie was longer than 120 minutes, this meant that he missed out on more than 2/3 of the movie, which should have disqualified his review in my opinion. Anybody else agree?


Of course it should be invalidated. There were reviews up knocking Mockingjay a week before the film was released, BR trolls of course. Like they really would make an effort to see the film before it was released.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


The most recent pseudo-complaint about the movie was that Gale was not a good comic relief character. He wasn't supposed to be comic relief at all. He's a hero who got tortured for protecting an old woman and evacuated victims of a disaster. They're just making up things to complain about.




If the first HG film was total ripoff of BR, it stands to reason that the next one will be a ripoff of BR2.

Since the condition is false, the conclusion is indeterminate.

And one cannot write a legitimate review of a movie one has not seen.


Yeah, but if you know the story of BR2, and know the style from the 1st Hunger Games movie, its really not hard to put 2 and 2 together.

Since the ripoff is plagiarism, the plagiarism is a ripoff, as it were.


So it's legitimate to write a review of an unseen movie based on what one thinks is in it?


Yes. Especially if you've read a Wikipedia article about said movie...


Mahmoud Buttrumos has a review up for Age of Ultron, the new Avengers movie. He says right in it that he saw it on Netflix. It was released about 4 weeks ago. if that. They make thing up out of their rear ends, just like you say.
I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so. And I have groupies, Atomic Girl said so.


Their most recent claim is that some HG fan got on BR2's Wikipedia plot summary and took out all the stuff that HG supposedly "copied", to make it look like the movies don't resemblance each other. (In reality, of course, they DON'T resemble each other) other. I would think Wikipedia would keep track of who changes the stuff on their sites. Also the trolls need to explain why they don't just "restore" the "original" Wikipedia summary, since they have a huge amount of leisure time on their hands.


Wikipedia is very good at taking down troll attempts to skew the information on it's entries. And of course those claims don't change the fact that you can find synopsises all over the Web, including information of the BR 2 board here on IMDB. All you have to do is read the message board. Of course they don't like to read that message board because of all the people who saw the movie and think it's rubbish.
I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so. And I have groupies, Atomic Girl said so.


Another phony review popped up (this time on the Mockingjay I site) by somebody that hasn't watched a film. He said Mockingjay started off with Kat and Gale hunting. Actually it starts off with Kat suffering from an anxiety attack somewhere in District 13 and chanting her "My name is Katniss Everdeen" mantra. He goes on to make complaints about the script, so vague that it's not even clear what movie he's talking about And of course the reviewer turned out to be a Battle Royale fanatic.


In their latest pseudo- review, the BR troll says that CATCHING FIRE is about high school students who are kidnapped, locked into exploding collars, and forced to fight a bunch of teenaged terrorists. He is, of course, describing BATTLE ROYALE II, not CATCHING FIRE, and this alone shows the absurdity of saying that CATCHING FIRE "copied' BATTLE ROYALE II. He does at least say that the movie with the exploding collars et al was extremely awful, which is probably right.


Still another phony review has popped up on the Mockingjay site. This one says not a word about the movie; it's all a tirade against Suzanne Collins.

Doesn't IMDB realize that its credibility is damaged when they allow trolls to disguise personal rants as fake reviews?



Still another worthless review today. This one informs us that the main character of HUNGER GAMES II is an "American man" who is "never defeated". Apparently he confused "Catching Fire" with "Captain America". IMDB really needs to vet their guest reviews better. An opinion is one thing; complete mis-information is another.


The most recent review consists of one sentence repeated 12 times. I don't know why IMDB doesn't take any action: the phony reviews are taking up space on their servers, and ruining their credibility as a site that offers useful information about movies.



Still another phony review yesterday declaring CF an inferior copy of BR2. This one mentioned a "revenge mission" and a "long flashback", neither of which was in CATCHING FIRE. Probably did not even watch the movie.


That's a Dippy sock Charles. Distinguished by the fact that he posted that 'Battle Royale' is part of Mexico's school curriculum. I kid you not, Dippy using that sock actually posted that Mexico high schools use a Resricted film in their classrooms. It's enough to make you weep.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so. And I have groupies, Atomic Girl said so.


Yeah, I saw his/her/its post. Even claimed BR was inspiring the Spanish kids to read more (in Japanese? in Spanish?) The only book that ever made that claim and sounded credible was HARRY POTTER.

It's wierd that IMDB doesn't give a public way to challenge phony reviews, aside from what I'm doing here. They ought to realize that it damages their credibility when they allow the review mechanism to be hijacked, particularly for a movie as visible as this one.


I think he is the only one who reads them Charles. That 'person' whatever his name is has a real problem.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so. And I have groupies, Atomic Girl said so.


I hope he/she/it is the only one who reads them. But I often look through reviews before going to see a movie, and it's too bad IMDB isn't interested in the integrity of theirs.


Still another invalid review today. This one says the movie included a gang of young "misfits", a Filipino actor playing a friend of the main characters, and identified the wrong studio as the producer. A real case of BR2-on-the=brain.


Another invalid review. Among other things, this one complained about the performances of Julianne Moore and Natalie Dormer in CATCHING FIRE.

Neither actress was in CATCHING FIRE.
