The Hunger Games Vs Battle Royale

Why do people keep saying that The Hunger Games is a copy of Battle Royale when they are both totally Different?


I think the basic concept is similar?


Why do people keep saying that The Hunger Games is a copy of Battle Royale when they are both totally Different?
Probably because The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is a copy of 'Battle Royale 2: Requiem'.


Only BR troll(s) maintain that Hunger Games copies Battle Royale.
The premise of a modern day(or future) gladiator games is not new. And
Battle Royale was far from the first. Making the combatants children was
innovative in Battle Royale, but the motivation for that was different
than in The Hunger Games. Battle Royale was commenting on Japanese society
in a way opaque to western audiences. The Hunger Games was about war which
is largely fought by children(or young adults), thus the term infantry.
And the important thing is not the premise, but how it is developed.
The biggest difference in my mind, besides the greatly different plot,
is in the treatment of the violence. In Battle Royale it is treated exploitively.
But in The Hunger Games it is treated realistically, horrifyingly because we see it from Katniss POV.


I totally agree with what you have just said and Plus from what I have read about the 2 Books is that Battle Royale Put Romance as sub Plot where as Romance was a Major Plot Point in the Hunger Games.

Klaine Forever
