Brilliant movie

And I don't even like Car racing that much but this was thrilling from end to finish.

Also Bale was Amazing.


He's a great actor. Deserves some kind of recognition from the weirdos in Hollyweird.


This was great, and Bale is the best actor out there.

Check out "Rush" for another great racing movie.


Rush is better imho.



Agreed. Watched this with my son last night with a few coffees instead of beers and now need to find other similar movies to do the same with. Might keep me off having a bottle or two at the weekend.


That sounds like a good plan.

What are you looking for exactly when you say "similar movies?" Perhaps we can help you find some good ones.


I was looking for good movies for adults and teens alike but without all the sex and bad lingo. Hard to find similar to Ford v Ferrari. Seen Senna and Rush a while back and they were good although vastly different. I just found the story in this film so intriguing and the way it was filmed, soundtrack and low use of CGI was perfect.

I have to say, I am glad this lockdown thing is easing a bit. Working all week and then few sports or events at the weekend was slowly getting to me on a subtle basis.


Rush was a great movie. It's probably my second-favorite Ron Howard movie, behind Apollo 13.

And I feel you on the lockdown. I am 100% over it and just ready for life to get back to normal. Unfortunately it looks like there's no end in sight with the virus. But at least restrictions have eased up a bit.

As for movies that might meet your criteria, here are a few off the top of my head. You may have already seen these but if not:

Friday Night Lights
Darkest Hour
Sleepy Hollow
Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
Spy Game (this one's R but I don't remember it being too explicit)
The Rookie
The Rainmaker (a courtroom drama, but an excellent one that I think a teen would find interesting)
Eddie the Eagle
Miracle (2004)
First Man (a bit of a slow burn but perhaps of interest)
M. Night Shyamalan's first four movies
The Sandlot
The Martian
National Treasure
Searching for Bobby Fischer
The Patriot
Hidden Figures
Ready Player One
Only the Brave
The Prestige
What Happened to Monday
Dark Waters
The Mummy (1998)
Field of Dreams
The Hunt for Red October

I hope that helps.


ah great. We have only seen a few of those so loads to look up and have a go at. Just in time for Friday night too!
Thanks again.


Cool, well I'm glad I was able to come up with some stuff that you haven't seen already.

I'd be curious to hear what you guys thought if you do check any of them out.


You can’t make something this good if your only motivation is money. This took passion to get all the details RIGHT. Ford v Ferrari is coeval with, but very different from, my other favorite racing film, Rush. Both films are docudramas. FvF highlights the philosophy behind developing a racing car and team, especially within the context of an American corporation rife with executives of extremely limited vision, and possibly intelligence. Rush focuses on the personalities of the drivers and their interpersonal dynamics. To its great credit, FvF by no means ignores that—it’s delineation of Shelby and Miles is outstanding and I say that as a student of the sport—but it DOES NOT MISS A BEAT in showing the painstaking development of a world-class endurance racing sports prototype TEAM, AND MAKING IT ENTERTAINING! Bravo to director James Mangold, ‘cause that is hard to do for an audience uninvolved in Motorsport. Not for nothing, this is also first-class family entertainment, of which we never have enough, absent cartoons, talking animals and wizards. This is a true story and Mangold et al. tell the story GREAT. Bravo.


Yeah...Bale did a great job.


It was a good film, but Rush was better imho.

