MovieChat Forums > Finding Bigfoot (2011) Discussion > My friend lives in the woods

My friend lives in the woods

He's kind of a mountain man, built his own log cabin out in the forest, hikes a couple miles back to get to it when the snow forces the dirt road to be closed, chops all his wood and lives self-sufficient out there for part of the year. Not bad for a guy in his late-70s. But I talked to him yesterday, and he's said over the years he's gradually noticed the forests have become silent. When he built his house 30 years ago he would hear coyotes and foxes, see hawks and porcupines everywhere. Now he says they've all gone. He said it's been years since he's seen a hawk, and the woods are silent now. It's kind of spooky. But it kind of just goes to show, all these known animals have become so elusive. It's not a surprise sasquatch are getting harder to find too. People say everyone has a camera in their phone now so it should be easier to find them, but if resources are depleting and food sources are vanishing it makes sense the predators are moving deeper into the woods too and staying even more out of sight. This is just my opinion, he never said anything about sasquatch to me. I don't even know if he believes in them, but I'd suspect not. But what he said about the wildlife I know I can trust him on.


Since your friend never mentioned Sasquatch why do correlate its existence to other verifiable existing animals that your friend noticed have been missing from his environs. Their existence, even though they seem non-existent in your friend's world, has nothing to do with Sasquatch.


Awwww......, c'mon. His logic makes perfect sense. If animals that the man has seen all his life are becoming rarer and rarer, it's reasonable to infer imaginary ones would too. That is unless the state that his friend lives in has legalized marijuana. Then the sightings of imaginary creatures should increase, no matter what real animals do. Doubly so if there's a meth lab trailer nearby. I have a friend in Colorado who said there are more and more unicorns arriving everyday! (they don't knock, they poke!)


by Dave-988 » Awwww......, c'mon. His logic makes perfect sense. If animals that the man has seen all his life are becoming rarer and rarer, it's reasonable to infer imaginary ones would too. That is unless the state that his friend lives in has legalized marijuana. Then the sightings of imaginary creatures should increase, no matter what real animals do. Doubly so if there's a meth lab trailer nearby. I have a friend in Colorado who said there are more and more unicorns arriving everyday! (they don't knock, they poke!)

Feel superior now? 👀
