What if?
What if the Patterson Gimlin film didn't exist? Would the interest in Bigfoot be what it is today? Would we have a show like "Finding Bigfoot" on the air?
Do you think, since the P-G film, anything else equals this Patty evidence?
Kerping an open mind, IMO, the film has not been proven beyond a shadow of doubt to be either real or a hoax? Or has it?
As the years go by....almost 50 years, actually...does your opiniom of it being real or hoax start to shift one way or the other?
Are there more Bigfoot encounters among those who weren't actively searching, or those who were in the woods specifacally seeking evidence and/or encounters?
The Finding Bigfoot folks believe Bigfoot is nocturnal, yet just about all filmed evidence is in the daylight..(probably because most folks can't photograph in low light.) And of course, there are more people out and about in the woods during daylight hours, hence the greatet number of encounters.
Those who have witnessed a Bigfoot are 100 per cent sure of its existence. For those that haven't had an encounter, does the more time that passes and the more people searching without producing undisputed proof....well, does that prove that Bigfoot does not exist? While the saying "absence of proof is not proof of absence" is true, how much time must pass before searching without finding becomes an exercise in futility?