I am amazed that there are people who take this show seriously. I thought it was just for s##ts and giggles.
It's just this simple. We have scientists that go out to some of the most remote locations on earth and locate time and time again tiny pockets of small endangered mammals, reptiles, and even insects. Yet you expect me to believe that a 7 foot tall, 400 pound primate is living in the United States (a nation of 330, 000, 000 million people) without one being killed or captured. Hell it's worse than that. Not one corpse, not one bone, not one bone fragment or even a tuft of hair has ever been found. That doesn't just strain credibility it drags credibility into a barn and rapes it in the ass without a tube of ky in sight.
All we have is claimed sightings and easily faked footprints. Oh I am sorry. I forgot the photos and videos which fall into two categories. Really blurry and crappy so that you can't tell it's a guy in a suit and well focused ones that allow you to clearly see that it's a guy in a suit. LOL!
Proof of how pitiful the bigfoot believers case truly is can be summed up in how revered the patterson film continues to be. The guy was a well know con man who ripped off everone that had any dealings with him. Hell he actually got in legal troubles for essentially stealing the camera he shot the fake footage with. Not to mention the guy who wore the suit confessed to it before he died. And yet this totally debunked film shot by a well known con man is still the holy grail of the bigfoot community. LOL!
The problem is there aren't many scientists out there looking for sasquatch because they don't want to ruin their careers since most people treat it as a joke. The one that sticks out in my mind is Jeff Meldrum who's made a career of it, but I don't think he's actively hiking in the woods searching for it. But even if he was you'd need more than just a small team to find these things. Also I have heard about tufts of hair being analyzed and coming back inconclusive, which to me points to it belonging to an unknown species, since they compare the results to a database of all known animals and if there's no match that's why you would get that result.
That the OP went straight to such unnecessary ridicule and attempted discrediting of "believers" is just more of the same attitude that's been seen on this board time and time again.
The questions are as they've always been regarding such posts/posters:
- Why such an overly passionate attempt to dissuade using implied ridicule?
- Why do they seem to care so much whether others consider such a thing possible?
Posts like that fit into the same category as the stories from witnesses who talk about visits from anonymous officials telling them they didn't see what they claim they saw and should just forget about it.
I've heard that used to be the case (that scientists were scared of researching Bigfoot i.e. that their funding might dry up), but as a science reader who is also interested in Bigfoot, from what I've heard that is no longer the case.
From what I've heard, there's a lot of Scientists out there who would love to do research on Bigfoot, but the problem is there's just nothing to research.
As the younger generation has come into science, some of the old stuffiness about the field is gone. Scientists are now much more willing, for instance, to talk about aliens than they used to be (though they usually don't believe Earth is being visited, a lot of scientists do now think there is probably other life somewhere in the universe), and it's the same with Bigfoot. There's a lot of young scientists out there who would love to make their stamp on Science with a Bigfoot breakthrough, but there's just nothing to go on at this point.
Those inconclusive tufts of hair you mentioned were all recently re-analyzed using the state of the art DNA technology, I think it was Oxford University that did it if I recall correctly, and every single one of them turned out to be identifiable, and from already known animals.
The real problem with Bigfoot now is that there is no evidence left to analyze. Part of a body, or a new good DNA sample, is needed to bring credibility to this. The longer it goes without, the less credible it becomes.
by AlarmedGibbon » ...From what I've heard, there's a lot of Scientists out there who would love to do research on Bigfoot, but the problem is there's just nothing to research.
As always...prove it.
You've just made the same definitive claim you've made here repeatedly, but as yet, have not provided your proof.
Still don't think your claims require the same substantiation you require of others eh?
This is regarding that Oxford study I have mentioned in other posts.
Relevant quotes:
The Oxford finding was the result of a three-year study that began in 2012 when researchers issued an open call for hair samples held in museums and private collections that were said to come from “an anomalous primate,”
Thirty-six samples from the U.S., Russia, Indonesia, India, Bhutan and Nepal were ultimately submitted
The samples, the investigators found, came from animals as diverse as bears, wolves, raccoons, porcupine, deer, sheep, at least one human, and a cow.
I'm sure you will like, the article also mentions:
“The fact that none of these samples turned out to be [Bigfoot] doesn’t mean the next one won’t,” said no less a person than Bryan Sykes, the Oxford researcher who led the study, according to the Associated Press.
I hope you can at least see at this point that there are researchers at prestigious institutions hoping to make a Bigfoot breakthrough. Legitimate science is being done, Bigfoot is not going un-researched.
A relevant point from the article:
The Guardian headlined its story on the announcement “DNA analysis indicates Bigfoot may be a big fake,” begging the question of what it might take to warrant a headline that Bigfoot is a big fake.
So back to your question.. you asked me to prove that there's nothing left to research.
Well, after three years of an open call for all samples from a supposedly "anomalous primate", from such a prestigious institution as Oxford University, what other evidence should we be waiting for?
Obviously, it's impossible to prove a negative, so the question relating to your point then is, what other evidence is out there that is going un-researched? Is there any?
If there is, why wouldn't they have submitted it to Oxford?
If you know of any Bigfoot evidence waiting to be researched, but is being ignored by the scientific community, we'd all love to hear about it.
As far as I can tell, all available evidence has been looked into. If you have some concrete information to add, feel free.
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This is regarding that Oxford study I have mentioned in other posts.
Relevant quotes:...
You're still neglecting/dismissing all the eyewitnesses who have ever come forward.
And your "from what I've heard" comments offer no more legitimacy than all of the "some people are saying" comments to be heard continuously on Fox News.
You're free of course to simply accept what you're told to believe from official channels, but the evidence is in that those channels cannot always be trusted.
So, if you're being truly objective, you have to ask yourself whether anyone can ever consider the "proof" you've just provided here entirely legitimate/believable/conclusive...which I hope you can at least see at this point shouldn't be difficult for you since that's exactly how you've always suggested the eyewitness evidence over the last few hundred years should be regarded.
Do you think eyewitness testimony alone should be enough for scientists to officially accept Bigfoot as a real species?
Just trying to understand your thinking.
It seems you should have phrased your comment as "trick" question Alarmed, since the answer to your SPECIFIC question is obviously no.
What should be obvious to you at this point is that all I've ever actually said is that ALL eyewitness testimony cannot automatically be discounted/discredited as you are always so quick and prone to suggest.
I have to admit I'm disappointed that you STILL conduct yourself in this way in these discussions.
You phrase your questions/comments in that specific/tricky way, and in that especially cordial manner...which could both be viewed as intentionally designed to create a perception that I am being illogical and/or unreasonable with my responses.
We both know though that not ALL eyewitnesses are cranks (since that's what you're always really suggesting)...and...that the scientists you refer to are working with an "official" process that is flawed.
That process is currently reliant on comparing presented DNA evidence to a current database of known/"recognized" species. That being the case, evidence presented as being from a bigfoot could never officially be found to be conclusive since the database it is working with for comparison has no current DNA that has "officially been recognized" as bigfoot.
A convenient Catch-22 scenario if acknowledging the existence of such subject matter was not something that "officials" wanted to do anyway.
But by all means, feel free to continue playing your "skeptic" games as you please, and I will continue to respond to your "questions" in kind.
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I'm a cordial person in real life, and so I talk and ask things in a cordial manner most of the time. If you and I met for a drink, we'd probably get along very well.
It wasn't a trick question, it was a regular old question, and I really do just want to understand your perspective better :)
You and I have been interacting long enough on these boards that I've actually grown fond of you!!!
You seem to think me very cynical, but I'm honestly not trying to be. I'm a skeptic, not a cynic. I'm actually fairly open minded about these things, but I can't just accept people's word for this sort of thing, there needs to be corroborating evidence for me.
And I am most definitely not trying to trick you! I promise, OK?
I know what you're saying about DNA having to compare an existing database, however I think that criticism doesn't really hold up now, since all of the available supposed-Bigfoot-hair-tufts have been positively identified as existing already known animals, and not as unknown-subjects.
Honestly, I appreciate you opening up a bit in this last response you gave! Thank you :)
And, please forgive me if I've been too harsh on you in the past. You know how the internet can be, you just let loose sometimes.
FYI, I don't think all eyewitnesses to such things are cranks. I do think there are a huge variety of reasons why people would incorrectly report something, and some of those would fall under the broad category of deception, and many others would fall under the broad category of legitimate misunderstandings. I have no idea what the proportions would be on either side of those.
Yes, science is flawed, because it's run by humans. But it's not like science hasn't accepted some really outlandish ideas, as long as they can be proven.
Quantum physics is super outlandish, but it's been proven time and again. Relativity seemed outlandish when first proposed. Even phenomenon like ball lightning are gaining scientific acceptance. So it's not like there's some super-high bar that is just unreachable.
Frankly, when you call these posts I make "skeptic games", that hurts my feelings a little bit. I've been honest, and straightforward, and friendly.
Look man, my sister, who I live with, believes in ghosts, and believes in Bigfoot. I have no enmity against people holding these beliefs.
I'm not clever enough to be tricky. I really just don't have it in me.
But regardless, I thank you for answering my question, even though you were skeptical.
I hope you can understand that the scientist in me needs to wait for corroborating evidence before I will accept anyone's stories for facts.
People say they see all sorts of things... how do we know which ones are real and which ones aren't? For me, the answer is corroborating evidence. I just have to wait for evidence nowadays.
So anyway, I like you WhoToTrust. You don't have to have your guard up with me, even if we're on opposite sides of an issue.
Well that all sounded good Gibbon, but unfortunately for you, you confirmed what I was suggesting about your possible intent with your very first sentence (which could be viewed as designed to discredit/dismiss) then simply proceeded with more of the same old same old Alarmed...as evidenced by the majority of all your other comments to all the other posters you've ever responded to on this message board.
Is this debate actually serious? There would have to be a breeding population. We aren't talking about just one. Not one corpse has ever been found. Not one has been hit by a car yet half the witnesses claim to see them on the road. The show is a joke and so is anyone who believes in Bigfoot.
by doubting_Wayne » It's amazing that a legendary BigFoot supposedly acts the same way on seven different continents.
Teasing people by appearing and then leaving before someone can get a clear snapshot of the supposed legendary creature.
Then again, knowing what kinds of a'holes are running around in modern day society (as witnessed by the majority of the "skeptics" who populate these message boards), if I were a bigfoot I wouldn't want anyone knowing I was real either. reply share
I'm thinking Bigfoot may be one of Santa's elves, and he has access to Santa's magic. Bigfoot is seen all over the world like Santa. There is never any hard evidence for his existence like Santa. Bigfoot is often seen lurking around people spying on them. He is everywhere and nowhere. He sees you but you rarely see him. Bigfoot is how Santa knows if you are naughty or nice.
I'm thinking Bigfoot may be one of Santa's elves, and he has access to Santa's magic. Bigfoot is seen all over the world like Santa. There is never any hard evidence for his existence like Santa. Bigfoot is often seen lurking around people spying on them. He is everywhere and nowhere. He sees you but you rarely see him. Bigfoot is how Santa knows if you are naughty or nice.
BigFoot also knows when someone is abusing Alcohol or Drugs.
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by runit73 » I'm thinking Bigfoot may be one of Santa's elves, and he has access to Santa's magic. Bigfoot is seen all over the world like Santa. There is never any hard evidence for his existence like Santa. Bigfoot is often seen lurking around people spying on them. He is everywhere and nowhere. He sees you but you rarely see him. Bigfoot is how Santa knows if you are naughty or nice.
You're obviously thinking of The Abominable Snowman.
Who to Trust - If there was REAL evidence of Bigfoot, it would be breaking news. It would be WORLDWIDE news. Everybody would be talking about it. You wouldn't hear about it first on 'Finding Bigfoot'. The FACT is, there are NO FACTS.
I would love for Bigfoot to exist. I watched this show many times. I stopped watching when Bobo appeared in a dress trying to lure a male Bigfoot. That alone should let everyone know the show is BS (even if Bigfoot really exists, the show is BS).
I'm not saying Bigfoot doesn't exist, but I haven't seen any evidence that it does (and if you're honest with yourself, you know you haven't either).
You might argue that, I've never seen 'God' (whatever 'God' means to each individual - to me God is mother nature/science), but I do believe in creation because everywhere I look I see creation. I.E. trees, life, rocks, flowing water.
'Bigfoot' actually DID exist long ago. There are skeletons from 10,000 years ago, found in Asia, of a creature that fits the Bigfoot description. However, that was long ago, an ape species that died out, just like Neanderthal and other primate or homo erectus species.
Until REAL evidence is found/submitted, Bigfoot is just a myth - like dragons (which would also be awesome).
by jefferystock » Who to Trust - If there was REAL evidence of Bigfoot, it would be breaking news. It would be WORLDWIDE news. Everybody would be talking about it. You wouldn't hear about it first on 'Finding Bigfoot'. The FACT is, there are NO FACTS.
I would love for Bigfoot to exist. I watched this show many times. I stopped watching when Bobo appeared in a dress trying to lure a male Bigfoot. That alone should let everyone know the show is BS (even if Bigfoot really exists, the show is BS).
I'm not saying Bigfoot doesn't exist, but I haven't seen any evidence that it does (and if you're honest with yourself, you know you haven't either).
You might argue that, I've never seen 'God' (whatever 'God' means to each individual - to me God is mother nature/science), but I do believe in creation because everywhere I look I see creation. I.E. trees, life, rocks, flowing water.
'Bigfoot' actually DID exist long ago. There are skeletons from 10,000 years ago, found in Asia, of a creature that fits the Bigfoot description. However, that was long ago, an ape species that died out, just like Neanderthal and other primate or homo erectus species.
Until REAL evidence is found/submitted, Bigfoot is just a myth - like dragons (which would also be awesome).
I never said the majority of THIS show wasn't BS.
The fact of the matter is though that evidence HAS been presented. When the majority of "skeptics" continually illustrate that their main intent is to mock and ridicule ALL evidence presented, it's no wonder that some people believe that no credible evidence has ever been presented...almost as if that was the intent of the "skeptics all along. I would expect any objective reviewer of ALL the evidence to acknowledge that though.
I'll leave the semantic arguments comparing the possible existence of Bigfoot to things like the existence of God, unicorns, fairies, Santa Claus, dragons, etc, to those who continually prove they're purposefully playing stupid about the inherent differences between such things and are only here to engage in intellectually dishonest discussions.
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I hear you man, of all of those things, Bigfoot is the most likely to currently exist. Dragons may have existed to some extent as a type of dinosaur. Santa Claus was supposedly a regular dude in a Northern European village long ago who made toys for the local kids at Christmas (but not the flying reindeer and little working elves ?). I WANT Sasquatch to exist, I just don't see how over the span of so many centuries, worldwide, no one has ever caught one in a bear trap, or hunted one down.
I will give you this: One thing that I do wonder about though, is all of the eyewitnesses. It seems like a complete waste of time to make it up and go to meetings and interviews. I know some idiots have nothing better to do, but there certainly are a lot of people who claim to have witnessed Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch or some variety.