MovieChat Forums > Finding Bigfoot (2011) Discussion > The show is totally BS. Right?

The show is totally BS. Right?

Just making it all up to entertain us.

Let me know if I'm on your ignore list.


Hey wordsatplaytoday, good to see you! Haven't seen you since the Going Clear boards back when that doc came out :)

I suspect that these Bigfoot hunters probably do believe in Bigfoot. But they're also very happy to make money pursuing their hobby, and to get themselves on TV.

I do think they play-it-up for the audience though, and justify it to themselves in some way. No one wants to think themselves a bad person or a charlatan. For instance, if they believe Bigfoot is real, but they also stage rocks being thrown at them or something like that, and one of their audience members ends up believing in Bigfoot as a result.. well, no harm done in their mind. The audience member was entertained, they've converted someone to "the truth" (as the Bigfoot believers see it), the actors got paid, and everyone had a good time.


by AlarmedGibbon >> ....For instance, if they believe Bigfoot is real, but they also stage rocks being thrown at them or something like that, and one of their audience members ends up believing in Bigfoot as a result....

Are you going to provide PROOF for your accusation of fraud (the same kind of proof you require of everyone and everything else when discussing this topic), or are you going to simply add unfounded flippant character assasination to your list of other trollish tendencies on this message board?


Character assassination; so hyperbolic! LOL You are too funny!

Nonetheless, I rather enjoy your aggrandizing, WhoToTrust. You brighten my day with your every response.

Please, do go on ;)


by AlarmedGibbon » Please, do go on ;)

Funny, I was going to tell you the same thing...again.

You make exposing you as a troll too easy. 


Oh no! Now it's my character that's being assassinated! ;)


by AlarmedGibbon >> Oh no! Now it's my character that's being assassinated! ;)

Except that you do it to yourself.


May I ask then, how are you defining troll?

Since I am not intending to be a troll, and yet you profess certainty that I must be a troll, then in reality we must be having a difference of definition.


by AlarmedGibbon » May I ask then, how are you defining troll?

Since I am not intending to be a troll, and yet you profess certainty that I must be a troll, then in reality we must be having a difference of definition.

May I ask why you're asking me since you make it very clear that you think you're smarter than everyone else?
