MovieChat Forums > Finding Bigfoot (2011) Discussion > IMDB is shutting down its forums on Febr...

IMDB is shutting down its forums on February 19th

To my friends and frenemies on this board, I will miss you all. I've really loved these message boards, and I'm truly sad to see them go.

WhoToTrust, I know we've had our trials and tribble-ations over the past year. Since we will likely never encounter one another again, can you stand to bury the hatchet and part ways as friends?

To everyone else, thank you so much for the good times and great discussions. They will be sorely missed.

The greatest trick God ever pulled was convincing the world that He's good.


by AlarmedGibbon » WhoToTrust, I know we've had our trials and tribble-ations over the past year. Since we will likely never encounter one another again, can you stand to bury the hatchet and part ways as friends?

As usual, you give yourself far too much credit for thinking that such closure is necessary for yourself in this instance.

You obviously placed much more importance on our exchanges than I did.

Good luck with that.


Apparently I did, yes.

I don't know that I need any luck exactly, but nonetheless, I wish you well.

All the best to you and your family, and thank you very much for all the conversations we've had.

Yours truly.

The greatest trick God ever pulled was convincing the world that He's good.


You're insistence on trying to portray yourself as a jilted friend (by continually implying that you and I ever even WERE friends) is simply an additional illustration of your self-centered and delusional behavior.

And there was no "apparently" about it seeing as how you obviously felt it important enough to refer to me specifically here in this brand new, presumably board-wide thread you started.

That your main goal...even at the very last....was obviously STILL to try to portray me in a "lesser" than grateful/friendly light (compared to yourself) simply put the rotten cherry on the top of your overall negative intent when it comes to those who challenge your opinions on this subject matter.

As I already said about your tactics though......If you can't beat 'em, try to discredit 'em, aye AlarmedGibbon?


This is ridiculous and sad news. The boards were the only reason I came to this site. For basic movie information there's always Wikipedia. But you can't discuss specific shows in detail anywhere else really. I've had this account for 12 years. I'm not even really big into movies but IMDB was always a reliable place I could come just to read other peoples' opinions on specific topics. I don't understand why they're shutting it down. If money is an issue there are thousands of boards not even being used they could delete. Or just restrict it to movies/TV shows and delete the actor/staff boards. I'm going to miss this place.


I know. Makes me wonder if Trump winning had anything to do with it. So many people have turned against each other. Oh well doesn't matter. IMDB probably lost a lot of users.
